Say Cheese: Collection of Best Cheese Jokes You’ve Ever Heard

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Do you like cheese?

Well, if you ask me, I LOVE cheese. I can eat cheese with everything. Whenever I have a movie date at home with my husband, cheesy nachos and two cans of cokes are a staple.

And did I tell you how I eat blocks of cheese when I have late-night hunger pangs?

Yes, I love cheese to that extent!

Now, coming to jokes, they are something that can make everyone laugh. No matter how upset you are, a funny joke can bring a bright smile to your face, if not a laugh. They have the power to change your mood in no time.

And this post is all about cheesy jokes!

The combination of cheese and jokes is awesome. Both are loved by people, and both can make you happy.

If you are planning a get-together with your family, a party with your friends, a dinner date with your partner, or a birthday party for your kid, a session of sharing jokes can make everyone enjoy it to the fullest. And not to mention the laugh they will get to have.

Do you know what the best thing about cheese jokes is?

From kids to adults, everyone loves them!

Here, I have come up with some of the funniest cheese jokes that you can share with all.

The Best Cheese Jokes

The Best Cheese Jokes

Cheese comes in various textures and flavors. You can choose between a super creamy mascarpone to a sharp piece of aged cheddar.

This food is so versatile that you can either add them to your favorite dishes to enhance their taste or you can eat them right off the block. No matter what flavor and how you choose to eat it, they are equally yummy.

The same goes for cheese jokes. They are super funny and versatile. And you can share them with people of all age groups.

Isn’t that amazing?

I know different people have different tastes, and the jokes that are meant for sharing with adults can’t be shared with kids.

That is why I have made a few cheese jokes. From jokes for kids to jokes for adults, I have added them all.

If you have any specific requirements, you can jump straight to your preferred section.

So, let’s begin. Shall we?

What did the cheese say to itself in the mirror?


Why don’t cheese makers ever get arrested?

Because they always make a “muenster” of their crimes!

What type of cheese is made backward?


How do you handle dangerous cheese?

With caution-“brie”!

What kind of cheese can perform miracles?


Why was the cheese always happy?

It had a grate attitude!

What do you call cheese that is sad?

Blue cheese!

What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror?

“I’m feeling grate!”

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese!

What did the cheese say to the camera?

“Lookin’ Gouda!”

What did one cheese wheel say to the other during a race?

“I’m gonna curdle you!”

What do you get when you cross a cheeseburger with a computer?

A big mac!

How do you make a Swiss roll?

Push him down the hill!

Why don’t cheese jokes ever work?

Because they’re too cheesy!

How does a cheese greet people?

“Camembert” to meet you!

Why was the cheese a good musician?

It had perfect “melodies”!

What did the cheese say to the wine?

“You’re looking sharp tonight!”

What kind of cheese is made backward?


How do you know if someone is a true cheese lover?

Don’t worry, they’ll “brie” it up in conversation!

What did the cheese say to the butter during a race?

“I’m gonna spread you!”

What’s a cheese’s favorite pick-up line?

“Hey, baby, you gouda Brie mine!”

How do you handle an angry cheese?


What do you call a bear without any teeth?

A gummy bear!

What kind of cheese can perform magic tricks?


What type of cheese is made backward?

Red Leicester!

Why did the cheese go to the art exhibition?

It wanted to see the “Monet-ary” value of the paintings!

What did the cheese say when it won a race?

“I’m feta than all the rest!”

Why don’t cheese-makers ever get arrested?

Because they curdle the evidence!

Why did the cheese go to school?

To get “grater” knowledge!

What type of cheese is made backward?


What kind of cheese is made backward?


What did the cheese say when it saw itself in the mirror?


What’s a cheese’s favorite karate move?

The Brie-yah!

Why did the cheese go to therapy?

Because it had too many “emmental” breakdowns!

I hope these cheesy jokes brought a smile to your face!

Hilarious Cheese Jokes for Everyone

Hilarious Cheese Jokes for Everyone

I haven’t encountered a single person who doesn’t like cheese. Have you?

And as I have already said, I like cheese any day and every day. There are times when I feel low but don’t know the definite reason behind it. Yes, that happens with us, ladies!

That is when a cheese-burst pizza can pull me up. And I know, like me, many of you crave cheese.

And when cheese and jokes combine, it becomes all the more enjoyable and fun. Imagine having a bite from your favorite cheese-filled food and listening to or reading jokes about cheese.

This thought alone can bring a smile to our faces, right?

So, enjoy the cheesy jokes I have listed here!

Why did the cheese go to the gym?

To get shredded!

How do you get a mouse to smile?

Say, “Cheese!”

What’s a cheese’s favorite type of music?

R ‘n’ Brie!

How do you make a cheese pun?

Just whey in!

Why did the cheese get in trouble at school?

It was caught loafing around!

What did the cheese say to the mirror?


What kind of cheese can you disguise as a small rodent?


Why did the cheese blush?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

What do you call cheese that’s sad?

Blue cheese!

What did one cheese say to the other cheese on Valentine’s Day?

“I’m feta up with being provolone!”

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours and isn’t shared?

A “queso-nova”!

Why did the cheese fail the test?

It couldn’t make the grade!

What do you call a grilled cheese sandwich that gets right to the point?

Cheesus crust!

How did the cheese propose to its partner?

With a cheesy line, of course!

Why did the cheese get arrested?

It was caught grating!

What do you call a cheese that’s been knighted?

Sir Loin!

What did the cheese say to the corn?

“I’m just a-maize-d by you!”

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the cheese grater!

What’s a cheese’s favorite pickup line?

“Hey, baby, you gouda Brie mine!”

Why did the cheese attend art school?

It wanted to see the “Monet-ary” value of the paintings!

What do you call a cheese that can play an instrument?

A “cheese whiz”!

What’s a cheese’s favorite superhero?

Captain Queso!

What did the cheese say when it went for a jog?

“I’m feeling grate!”

What do you call a cheese that isn’t yours and doesn’t belong to anyone else either?

“Nacho cheese” (Yes, again!)

I hope these cheesy jokes brought laughter to your day!

Cheese Jokes for Kids

Cheese Jokes for Kids

Kids LOVE cheese, no matter their variety. All they need is cheese. And I can say that with full confidence, seeing how my toddler craves it!

When my girl doesn’t want to eat anything, I just slide a slice of cheese into her bread. And that does the trick.

And kids are great listeners to jokes. The smile that you get to see after they hear a joke is invaluable.

And so, in this section, I have come up with some hilarious cheese jokes that are kid-friendly. Share these with them during dinner or anytime you want to hear their contagious laugh.

Also, if you want to make your kid’s day better at school, write a cheese joke on a piece of paper and slide it into their lunch box. When they will open the box and read it during their lunchtime, there will flash a million-dollar smile for sure!

What kind of cheese can you use to hide a horse?


Why did the cheese bring a flashlight to the party?

Because it was a “sharp” cheddar!

What do you call a cheese that tells jokes?

Gouda laughs!

How does a cheese greet its friends?

“Mozzarella, nice to meet you!”

What did the cheese say when it got a compliment?

“I’m feeling grate-ful!”

Why did the cheese go to the dentist?

To get its “gouda” checked!

What did one cheese say to the other during a race?

“I camembert this competition!”

What kind of cheese can you use to clean your ears?


What did the cheese say to the mouse on its birthday?

“Hope you have a brie-lliant day!”

Why did the cheese take up gardening?

It wanted to grow “brie-lliant” flowers!

What do you call cheese that’s not yours?

Nacho cheese!

What’s a cheese’s favorite fairy tale?

“Rumpelstiltskin and the Three Cheeses!”

Why did the cheese go on a diet?

It wanted to cheddar a few pounds!

What do you call a cheese that can sing?

A dairy tale!

What’s a cheese’s favorite sport?


How does a cheese travel?

By “cheddaring” a taxi!

What’s a cheese’s favorite dance move?

The Limburger leap!

Why did the cheese bring a ladder to the party?

Because it wanted to get crumbled up high!

How do you make a grilled cheese sandwich?

Give it a hug and say, “You’re grate!”

What’s a cheese’s favorite movie?

“The Swiss Family Robinson”!

Why did the cheese family go to the amusement park?

For a gouda time!

What did the cheese say when it saw its reflection?

“That’s nacho average cheese!”

How do you get a mouse to smile and say thank you?

Say, “Cheese and thank you!”

Why did the cheese go to outer space?

It wanted to explore the Milky Way!

What’s a cheese’s favorite magic trick?

Disappearing curds!

What do you call a cheese that’s never been to school?

Gouda-mentally challenged!

How do you call a cheesy potato?

A gratin!

What did the cheese say when it won a game?

“Cheese-er, I’m the best!”

Why was the cheese a good storyteller?

It always had a “gouda” ending!

I hope these cheesy jokes bring smiles and laughter to the kids!

Cheese Jokes for Adults

Cheese Jokes for Adults

We all have a language that we use, especially when we are with our closest bunch of friends. Agree?

Of course, that language is nowhere near sober!

Yes, we are adults, and we do use some terms that are not meant to be used in front of our kids, right?

The same goes for jokes too. There are certain jokes that are not kid-friendly, which means you can’t share them with kids.

The reason can be the terms that kids will not understand, or it may have some adult element that will be best if you don’t share them with kids if you know what I mean!

So, in this section, I have listed some adult jokes about cheese that are sure to make you go ROFL!

Read on.

How do you make a cheese omelette?

Beat the eggs, whip out the cheese, and tell it a gouda joke!

What do you call a cheese that likes to meditate?

Brie-yond Zen!

What did the cheese say to the wine at the party?

“You’re a grape companion!”

How does a cheese hide its emotions?

It puts on a provolone face!

Why did the cheese break up with its partner?

They just didn’t make a grate couple anymore.

What did the cheese say to the beer at the bar?

“You’re hoppy, and I’m cheddar!”

How do you describe a cheesy magic show?

It’s always full of illusion-curd tricks!

What’s a cheese’s favorite type of dance?

The “fondue-si” slide!

How do you handle an overconfident cheese?

Bring it down a “swiss” notch!

What did the cheese say to its partner in crime?

“We make quite the ‘gouda’ team!”

Why did the cheese go to the art exhibit?

It wanted to appreciate the fine “brie-stol” artwork!

How does a cheese handle rejection?

It puts on a gorgonzola face and moves on!

What did one cheese wheel say to the other at the gym?

“Let’s shred some fat!”

Why did the cheese refuse to take up photography?

It didn’t want to be a “cheese grater”!

What did the cheese say to its reflection?

“I look gouda today!”

Why did the cheese refuse to tell its secret?

Because it was too “mature” for disclosure!

How do you handle an indecisive cheese?

Just tell it to make up its “brie”nd!

What do you call a cheese that’s an expert at karate?

A “muenster of martial arts”!

Why did the cheese refuse to share its secret recipe?

It was too “grate” to give away!

How did the cheese insult the bread?

It said, “You’re just a crummy loaf!”

What do you call a cheese that plays guitar?

Jack string!

How do you measure a cheese’s success?

By its “cheddar” account balance!

Why did the cheese start a band?

Because it wanted to make some cheddar!

What’s a cheese’s favorite type of exercise?


How does a cheese apologize for its mistakes?

It says, “I’m sorry for being so cheesy!”

Why did the cheese become a detective?

It had a knack for solving “cheesy” crimes!

What’s a cheese’s favorite type of dance music?

Cheddy EDM!

What did the cheese say to the wine when they won the lottery?

“We’re going to have a gouda time!”

Cheese Puns

Cheese Puns

I love puns. They are intelligent, they are sassy, and the best part? They make you laugh.

And when it comes to cheese puns, there are so many of them!

Now, tell me, “Do you know why is Christmas the cheesiest holiday?”

“Because of baby cheese-us!”

Did it succeed in bringing a smile to your face? If you ask me, I’m already laughing!

In this section, I have listed some of the best cheese puns to make your day. And yes, these puns are kid-friendly too. So, if you have kids at home and want to share cheesy-peasy puns, you can start with these.

  • I’m feeling gouda about today!
  • Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? There was nothing left but de Brie.
  • I’m a-mozzed by your cheesy jokes!
  • That joke was nacho average pun!
  • I camembert any more cheese puns!
  • I cheddar believe I just made that pun!
  • Let’s brie happy and share some cheese puns!
  • You’re looking feta-licious today!
  • This conversation is getting grate!
  • I’m provolone on this cheesy journey.
  • I’m feeling bleu without some cheese puns!
  • I don’t mean to sound cheesy, but you’re grate!
  • Parmesan, but these puns are getting better and better!
  • Let’s put a smile on that face, and gouda with some puns!
  • Swiss you were here to enjoy these cheese puns with me!
  • I can’t get enough of these cheesy puns. They’re so gouda!
  • These puns are the brie-lliant highlight of my day!
  • I’m feeling feta-ntastic with these puns!
  • The cheese puns are grate for a good laugh!
  • Cheddar believe it, these puns are pure awesomeness!
  • It’s gouda to have a pun-filled conversation with you!
  • I’m feeling blue, but these cheese puns are making me smile!
  • These puns are feta-lly hilarious!
  • You’re the big cheese when it comes to puns!
  • I camembert to imagine a day without cheese puns!
  • I’m on a roll with these cheesy puns!
  • Let’s brie friends and enjoy these puns together!
  • These puns are just too cheesy to resist!
  • I’m so gouda at making puns, it’s grate!
  • These puns are the cheddar to my happiness!
  • You’re a pro-volone pun master!
  • Swiss you were here to enjoy these puns with me!
  • I feta you can’t resist these cheese puns!
  • I’m cheddaring a tear of joy from these puns!
  • These puns are the cream of the crop, or should I say, the cheese of the crop!

I hope these cheese puns brought a smile to your face!

Knock Knock Cheese Jokes

Knock Knock Cheese Jokes

Knock-knock jokes have always been my favorite kind of jokes. Why?

Well, there are multiple reasons. But what I like the most about these jokes is that they make your audience or listeners interact with you.

For example, when you say “knock-knock,” they question, “Who’s there?” And then, when you say the answer, they question you again. And finally, you say the last line, which is actually the joke.

This entire process keeps your audience hooked to the joke you are trying to say, and then when they hear the last line, they burst into laughter.

Knock-knock jokes about cheese are super entertaining. As most people like cheese, they can relate to the jokes, and that is what makes them laugh.

You can share these knock knock cheese jokes with your family, friends, colleagues, and whoever you want to bring a smile to their faces.

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Swiss who?

Swiss cheese, can you let me in?

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Brie who?

Brie-lliant to meet you!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Cheddar who?

Cheddar be a cheesy joke coming up!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Gouda who?

Gouda the extra mile for a good cheese pun!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Parmesan who?

Parmesan glad to see you!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Mozzarella who?

Mozzarella me tell you a cheesy joke!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Colby who?

Colby your cheese and eat it too!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Blue who?

Blue cheese, I’m feeling a little funky today!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Ricotta who?

Ricotta move over, there’s more cheese puns coming!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Provolone who?

Provolone to crack a cheesy joke!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Edam who?

Edam well, enjoy these cheese jokes!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Pepper Jack.

Pepper Jack who?

Pepper Jack your plate with some cheese!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Feta who?

Feta-lly, here’s another cheese joke!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Camembert who?

Camembert to the dark side, we have cheese!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Monterey who?

Monterey morning, let’s enjoy some cheese!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Gruyère who?

Gruyère you ready for another cheese pun?

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Havarti who?

Havarti a piece of this cheesy joke!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Chèvre who?

Chèvre you heard this cheesy joke before?

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Fontina who?

Fontina you glad you opened the door for cheese puns?

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Manchego who?

Manchego your way, I’ll follow with more cheese jokes!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Asiago who?

Asiago, do you have any more cheese puns?

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Limburger who?

Limburger here for some cheesy fun!

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Gorgonzola who?

Gorgonzola, it’s time for another cheese joke!

Flirty Cheese Jokes

Flirty Cheese Jokes

Did you know jokes can be flirty?

Well, yes. You can use flirty jokes as icebreakers or conversation starters. And when the joke is on cheese, flirting becomes all the easier. After all, cheese is something that the majority of people like, and they can relate well.

How about this line, “This might sound so cheesy, but I think you are really grate.”

For such awesome flirty cheesy jokes, scroll down!

Are you made of cheese?

Because you’re looking Gouda tonight!

I must be a mouse because

I’m so attracted to your cheddar.

Are you a cheese platter?

Because I want to nibble on you all night.

Is your name Brie?

Because you’re the perfect blend of soft and irresistible.

Can I be the macaroni to your cheese?

We’re a perfect match.

I must be a grilled cheese sandwich because

I’m feeling hot and melty around you.

You’re the cheese to my pizza,

the perfect topping to complete me.

Are you a fondue pot?

Because I want to dip into your cheesy goodness.

Are you a cheese spread?

Because you’re spreading happiness wherever you go.

You must be a cheesy pickup line because

you just melted my heart.

Can I be the cream to your cheese?

Together, we make a delectable combination.

You’re the reason I smile like a

grilled cheese sandwich.

Can I take you out for some cheese tasting?

I want to savor every moment with you.

Are you a cheesecake?

Because you’re sweet, creamy, and absolutely irresistible.

If you were a cheese, you’d be a fine-aged Gruyère because

you just keep getting better with time.

I must be a cheese lover because

I find you grate in every way.

Can I be your cheese knife?

I want to slice through life together with you.

Are you a cheese fondue?

Because I want to dive in and get lost in your cheesy goodness.

You must be a rare cheese because

you’re one of a kind and absolutely captivating.

Can I be your Parmesan?

Because I want to gratefully accompany you on this journey called life.

Are you a cheese board?

Because I want to explore every delicious inch of you.

You’re like a fine wine and

cheese pairing—absolutely perfect together.

Are you a cheese platter?

Because you have all the right flavors to spice up my life.

You must be a cheese connoisseur

because you have a knack for leaving a lasting impression.

Can I be your cheese slicer?

Because I want to cut through the barriers and get closer to you.

Are you a cheesy pickup line?

Because you’ve got me smiling like a Cheshire cat.

You’re like a cheese fondue—warm,

inviting, and I can’t get enough of you.

Can I be your cheese grater?

Because I’m falling for you, piece by piece.

Are you a cheese soufflé?

Because you make my heart rise with every interaction.

You must be a master cheesemaker

because you’ve crafted a masterpiece with your charm.

Can I be your cheese plate?

Because I want to be there to complement and enhance your every experience.

Remember, these cheesy flirtatious jokes are meant to be lighthearted and fun. Use them to add a touch of playfulness to your interactions!


Cheese jokes are awesome jokes you can enjoy with everyone in your family, regardless of age. And the fact that everyone loves cheese makes the jokes session even more interesting.

Did you like the cheese jokes that I listed here? Do you want me to add more jokes to it?

Don’t forget to let me know in the comments!

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