If you have science lovers in your home, then they are going to love these science riddles to try and solve!
As parents, we always want our kids to be interested in eclectic activities. We wish for them to not just excel academically but also stay engaged in extracurricular activities.
However, if there’s one subject that all parents wish their child would be interested in, it has to be that of science. After all, when a kid has a scientific bent of mind, they go on to do great things and achieve a lot in life.
“Summer is almost here …”
The Best Science Riddles
Summer is almost here and the science lovers in your home are probably going to be trying to figure out a million and one science projects to do this summer, but sometimes you will want a break from the mess of experiments so we are helping you out by sharing with you the best science riddles for kids.
Science riddles allow kids who love science to still be thinking about science without creating a messy experiment every second of the day.
Your kids will love trying to solve riddles and you will love that they will continue learning through lateral thinking, trying to solve simple problems, and developing a new creative way to solve problems all while using their passion for science.
These best science riddles will be a fun thing for your kids all summer long (and throughout the year!)
Science Riddles For Kids
When the son of the water returns to the parent, it dies. What is it?
What did the fox scientist name his laboratory?
What is a Christian priest’s favorite part of physics?
What is the most uninteresting of all the periodic elements?
What is neither water nor land, and is always soaking wet?
I am a god, a planet and I can measure heat. What am I?
Of all the glands, I am known as the master because I boss around the other endocrine glands and tell them what to do. But even though I am a bit bossy, you need me for many things, such as secreting hormones required for sexual development and promoting bone and muscle growth.
Pituitary gland
Your mom and dad each gave you 23 of these threadlike strands and they helped to make you who you are today.
What are the three R’s that keep our planet clean?
The three R’s are reduce, reuse and recycle.
What two periodic elements, when combined, heal?
Helium and Aluminum (HE + AL)
When two light nuclei become one, I liberate quite a bit of nuclear energy? What am I?
Nuclear fusion
What kind of animal lives longest in zoos?
What would you call a bird in winter?
Many have heard it, but nobody has ever seen it. It will not speak back until spoken to. What is it?
An echo
I was once an old massive star and soon I will be a brightly colored gas cloud, but for now I am a massive explosion. What am I called?
What are the only two periodic elements to have the state of a liquid?
Mercury and Bromine
I make up about three-fourths of all the universe and almost nothing is known about me. What am I?
Dark energy
I am a hypothetical tunnel, a short cut if you will, of space-time which connects far away regions. I am a what?
Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die. What is it?
What did the scientist say when he found 2 atoms of helium?
I was once called an embryo, but I have now gone through more than eight weeks of development, so my name is now changed to what?
What kind of chemical element hates to be a follower?
I am a black hole’s equivalent of a one-way street. What am I?
The event horizon (a boundary in which nothing can ever leave, only get pulled in)
What is black when you buy it, red when you use it and gray when you throw it away?
What is the loneliest of all physics concepts?
The singularity
What four periodic elements, when combined, make up something that terrifies criminals?
Carbon, Oxygen, Phosphorous & Sulfur (C + O + P + S)
What element is derived from a Norse god?
What would you call a re-make of the classic film Tron?
What period of time has the least weight?
A light year
What can eat a lot of iron without getting sick?
Which weighs more a ton of concrete or a ton of feathers?
They both weigh the same (a ton)
I am the toe that every scientist would love to have as their own, yet there has never been a single person who has had a toe that everyone agreed is the best. What kind of toe am I?
Theory of everything (also called a TOE in the scientific community)
What did the angry electron say when it was repelled?
Let me atom
What periodic element do pyromaniacs love the most?
What is the center of gravity?
The letter “v”
What number do Nickel and Neon make when combined?
Nine (NI + NE)
I come as a gas and I get in line with neon. I am also known as the home of a very super person. What am I?
Did you hear the one about a chemist who was reading a book about helium?
He couldn’t put it down
I can rush, I can be still, I can be hot, I can be cold, I can be hard, I can slip through almost anything. What am I?
I am said to be only one dimension, and as small as can be, some say I am the foundation of all that you see. What am I?
A string (from String Theory)
What do you do with a dead chemist?
It is impossible for me to be created, and I can never ever be destroyed, I can only change form. What am I?
Ronnie’s teacher told him that he and his classmates all had to dress up as a part of the body for the school’s Halloween party. The teacher also said it couldn’t be the same old thing, it had to be something new. Ronnie had the perfect idea. What costume did he come up with?
Neuron (new-Ron)
You cannot see me, I cannot be touched, you cannot feel me, but I can cook your lunch!
A microwave particle
What scientist is the least interesting to listen to?
Niels Bohr
What can be measured but has neither a length nor a width and height?
The temperature
I am a gas beneficial to plants, but I cannot be purchased at a gas station. So, who am I?
Carbon dioxide
What do chemists give the name to benzene rings that have iron atoms in place of carbon atoms?
A ferrous wheel
I can be both good and bad for you and be found inside and outside your body. I am a single-celled, microscopic organism without a nucleus.
What can you only hold for a short time?
Your breath
I am outside of your mind and underneath your face. So who am I?
Your skull
I have a mouth but can’t chew. Who am I?
A river
It will live if you feed it and die if you give it water. What is it?
Which tree can you hold in your hand?
Palm tree
What has many holes but still keeps the water?
A sponge
A ton of rocks or feathers, which is heavier?
They are of equal weight.
Being as white as snow and born in the sea. I disappear into thin air when I fall back into the water. So who am I?
No one has ever seen it, though many have heard about it. It will only respond once spoken to. It is what?
An Echo
I can see you, but you can’t see me; In more precise terms, I see through. So who am I?
An X-ray
What can consume a large amount of iron without becoming ill?
Science Riddles for Students
I am the center of the solar system, and everything revolves around me. What am I?
The Sun
I’m a gas that you breathe in and need to live. What am I?
I’m a liquid that flows through your veins and carries nutrients to your body’s cells. What am I?
I’m a planet known for my beautiful rings. What planet am I?
I’m a force that pulls objects toward the Earth. What force am I?
I’m a rocky planet that’s often called the “Red Planet.” What planet am I?
I’m a transparent substance that can break when you drop me. What am I?
I’m a part of a tree that helps it take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. What am I?
I’m the process where water turns into vapor. What am I called?
I’m the smallest particle of matter. What am I?
I’m a natural disaster with a spinning funnel. What am I?
I’m a gas that you exhale when you breathe out. What am I?
Carbon Dioxide
I’m a celestial body that orbits the Earth. What am I at night?
The Moon
What is the heaviest element on Earth?
What is the smallest particle in the universe?
The quark
What is the force that holds the atoms in a molecule together?
The chemical bond
What is the fastest thing in the universe?
The speed of light
I’m a celestial body that orbits the Sun and is made mostly of ice and dust. What am I?
I’m a natural satellite of the Earth. What am I?
I’m a green pigment in plants that helps in photosynthesis. What am I?
I’m a hard substance found in the ground that contains minerals. What am I?
What is the process by which plants make food using sunlight?
What is the largest organ in the human body?
The skin
Science Riddles for Adults
I’m an element with the symbol “Fe” and I’m essential for making steel. What am I?
I’m the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the Sun. What am I?
I’m essential for respiration and combustion but can be harmful in excess. What am I?
I’m a tiny particle, but my discovery shook the world. What am I?
The electron
I am a noble gas that lights up the Las Vegas Strip. What am I?
I’m a fundamental particle that comes in six “flavors” and is a building block of matter. What am I?
I’m a scientific law that states energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. What am I?
The Law of Conservation of Energy
I’m a protective layer surrounding the Earth. I block harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. What am I?
Ozone layer
I’m known as the “powerhouse” of the cell. I produce energy for the cell’s activities. What am I?
I’m a subatomic particle with a positive charge. I’m found in the nucleus of an atom. What am I?
I’m a chemical symbol with the same letter twice. I’m essential for strong bones and teeth. What am I?
Calcium (Ca)
I’m essential for life, I’m found in water and forests, and I’m made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. What am I?
Cellulose (a primary component of plant cell walls)
I may not be gold but I make gold look more beautiful. I help you fly and even though I’m not popular, my prices run high. What am I?
I’m in your kitchen pantry, waiting for you to wrap me over something. What am I?
A string
I am a ball that can be rolled, but never bounced or thrown. What am I?
I’m sometimes full, but I never overflow. What Am I?
The Moon
Kids really love me because I make things float. You can even use me to expand small things. What am I?
What can go up and come down without moving?
The temperature
How do we know that Saturn was married more than once?
He has rings
I’m the unit of heat energy in the International System of Units (SI). What am I?
I’m a famous physicist who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Who am I?
Isaac Newton
I’m a phenomenon where light bends as it passes through different mediums. What am I?
I’m a natural disaster caused by the shifting of tectonic plates. What am I?
I’m a mathematical concept used to measure the disorder in a system. What am I?
I’m a famous equation representing the equivalence of mass and energy. What equation am I?
E=mc^2 (Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence equation)
I’m a chemical compound responsible for the greenhouse effect. What am I?
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
I’m a branch of science that studies the Earth’s history through rocks and fossils. What am I?
I’m a famous space telescope launched by NASA in 1990. What am I?
Hubble Space Telescope
I’m a unit of energy used in atomic physics. What am I?
Electronvolt (eV)
I’m a famous female scientist who discovered radium. Who am I?
Marie Curie
I’m a theory that explains the origin of the universe. What theory am I?
Big Bang Theory
I’m a celestial event where the moon covers the sun. What am I?
Solar Eclipse
Do you know any science riddles? Better yet, Try creating your own riddle?
Does your child always seem interested in performing scientific experiments? Are they constantly questioning about the universe and different planets? If so, then you probably have a little scientist in the making.
One way to keep such a child entertained is through science riddles. So, “there you have it …”
Share in the comments the riddles you come up with!