Is Homeschooling Right for You? 10 Things to Consider

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Throughout the country, especially now, moms and dads are wondering, Is homeschooling right for our family? Well, we are going to breakdown 10 things to consider if homeschooling is right for you.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

10 Things to Consider about homeschooling

It’s back-to-school season, and moms and dads are off buying school supplies getting ready to head back to the classroom, which others are setting up at home work stations.

While sending kids off to school is a no-brainer for many parents, some parents are torn between sending kids off to school and homeschooling.

Schooling options are not one-size-fits-all; the right fit will differ from one kid to the next.

10 Factors to Determine Whether Homeschooling is Right for You and Your Child

#1: Motivations

People have a variety of reasons for homeschooling (e.g., children’s health, quality of education, flexible scheduling, religion, family cohesiveness, special needs, etc.).

It is important that you clearly identify your motivations for homeschooling and determine if they are valid reasons for homeschooling your children.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

For example, if you are concerned about quality of education, you can easily solve that problem by moving to a town with quality schools or investing in private school or transferring schools.

#2: Your Schedule

Today’s economy often requires both parents to work to make ends meet. If you are a stay-at-home parent or work night shift when your spouse or partner is home, your schedule is more accommodating for homeschooling.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

If you work during the day, you will have to arrange childcare during the day and have to do school in the evening when the children are tired or rambunctious. Schedules plays a major factor in whether homeschooling is right for you and your family.

#3: Children’s Learning Style and Needs

Many children fall behind in a traditional classroom because one or two teachers are responsible for teaching 25 or more children.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

If your child thrives in a smaller setting because they need more individual attention, homeschooling may be right for them.

In addition, school comes with other distractions that can shift the focus away from learning. Some children may thrive in a classroom because they are competitive and/or enjoy collaborating with others.

Special needs children may need to be in school because they can receive specialized instruction from trained teachers that you may not know how to provide.

Gifted children may need to be homeschooled because school does not challenge them enough, which may cause them to become frustrated, pretend to be not as conscientious, and act out.

#4: Cost

Homeschooling with a curriculum comes at a cost. You will have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year on the curriculum, books, and supplies, while a public school can save you the money you would be spending on homeschooling.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

Online public schools are tuition-free, but you may have to pay for lab materials and other supplies that are typically supplied by a physical school.

#5: Your Teaching Ability

A degree in education does not necessarily make a great teacher, but it helps people become great teachers.

You will need patience and the ability to quickly learn subjects before teaching them.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

If you do not have the abilities of a teacher, you might have to consider online school or sending your children to public school.

Teachers often inspire students, and having multiple teachers offers children multiple perspectives. Thank goodness for those amazing teachers, right?!

Think about your own teaching ability if you are able to inspire your kids to learn 5 days a week.

#6: Socialization

Socialization is the reason many parents opt to send their children to school.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

If you choose to homeschool, think about how you will incorporate socialization into your child’s life.

Socialization is a major part of the school day.

#7: Length of Homeschooling

Think about how long you want to homeschool for? Do you want to for 9 weeks, an entire year, or for the rest of their education?

Is Homeschooling Right for You

The length of homeschooling can play a role in the factors of cost, socialization, and development.

#8: Stigma and Support

Think about your support system when deciding, is homeschooling right for you?

  • Are you able to stay home with your kids?
  • Do you have friends that can help when you have to go to an appointment?
  • Do you have other friends who are homeschooling that you can bounce ideas off of?
Is Homeschooling Right for You

The right support system makes a huge difference in your homeschool journey.

#9: Your Children’s Future

With homeschooling you want to think about their future. If you choose to homeschool pick a program that is accepted at colleges and universities.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

If you have high school kids, encourage them to take college classes at the same time at the local junior college.

#10: State Requirements

Standards and requirements for homeschooled students vary. Some states have very stringent standards and supervision, while other states are more lax.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

State exams are still required for homeschooled students in many states. You will have to determine whether you can meet the state requirements.

Determining Whether Homeschooling Fits, In a Nutshell

Homeschooling can be a really great thing for some kids. At the same time, it might not be good for others.

Is Homeschooling Right for You

I recommend talking with your kids to see what they would like to do. After this, make a pro and con list for going to school and homeschooling.

See what seems like the best option once you have your list in front of you.

Deciding if homeschooling is right for you is a decision you and your family should make together. You know your kids the best, so it is okay to ask other opinions of what others are doing, but ultimately you have to do what is best for your family.

Is homeschooling right for you? Share your thoughts in the comments about whether you decide to homeschool!

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