How to Organize Holiday Decorations and Wrapping Supplies

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How do you organize holiday decorations and wrapping supplies?

You’d like to start with the wreath for the door and a few outdoor lights, but which box did you store them in, and how much time will you spend “digging” this year?

Every year my Christmas decorations accumulate, so being organized and making the most out of my small storage room is important.

That’s why I’ve come up with ten simple ideas to get organized with holiday décor and wrapping supplies.

How to Organize Holiday Decorations and Wrapping Supplies

I re-evaluate the items that are kept in these few bins, and not everything makes the cut.

The “old” and damaged items go first. After that, there are always a few pieces that land at Value Village for someone else to enjoy.

While most of us love decorating for the holiday season, not many of us look forward to packing it all away after such a busy time of the year.

Tossing a few items into the storage room and quickly closing the door may seem like an easy solution. But properly storing this year’s Christmas decor will make next year’s decorating a more joyous affair.

10 Tips for Organizing Your Holiday Décor

Manage the holiday décor and gift wrap supplies with some simple tips this year.

Here are 10 ideas to help you get organized for the next holiday season:

  1. Use clear storage bins that stack well and number them. (Ex: 1 of 10)
  2. Sort and store like with like… Keeping items you normally display together in one box.
  3. Use an empty coffee can to wrap light strings around. Store extra bulbs inside and slit the lid to put the receptacle end through.
  4. Try empty egg cartons to store small, fragile ornaments.
  5. Recycle segmented cardboard (liquor box inserts) and place in bins to separate delicate items. (Don’t forget to wrap with tissue.)
  6. Make an “open first box” with items you typically need early in the season, such as cards and table settings.
  7. Put together a “toolbox” to store holiday essentials, such as tape, scissors, ribbon, and ornament hooks.
  8. Create a custom gift wrap center using a long under-the-bed box. Store wrapping paper, ribbon, and tags all in one handy bin.
  9. If you like to keep a good supply of wrap rolls, try this inventive solution featured in which utilizes vertical space like magic!
  10. A Holiday Supplies Storage Hamper provides an organized location for all of your wrapping needs, and it’s portable.

More Organizing Tips for the Holidays

If you are a creature of habit, take a few photos once your home is decorated for the holidays to remind you how and where you displayed your treasures.

Before you head out to purchase extra wrapping supplies, take inventory of what you have leftover from last year’s wrapping station. It’s no fun to dive into this holiday task with a few partial rolls of paper, and only a hand full of tags!

By taking some time to organize holiday decorations and wrapping supplies, decorating should be a breeze next year.

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