
New Year Revolution and Year of Learning

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After the parties, gifts and time with the family, the New Year has most of us reflecting on the moments in our life (good and bad) and planning for the future. For many the New Year means resolutions and making changes. I may not a big fan of resolutions, though I think these five are ones I can keep, I can’t help but feel a desire to do something new. Perhaps it’s time for a New Year’s Revolution.

I can’t take credit for the wording or even the idea behind the New Year’s Revolution, it’s actually part of an initiative from Kellogg’s Special K, but I can completely get behind the idea.

YOU SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION? Kellogg’s Special K* and Nia Vardalos call on Canadians to get off the New Year’s Resolution merry-go- round, try something new and proclaim their #2015REVOLUTION

To kick off this Revolution initiative I was invited by Sonya (@TheCulturedPearl) to join a few other fabulous ladies to do something daring, something revolutionary, well at least in my books. We visited iFly Toronto to try our hand at skydiving. Before you shake your head in disbelief I’m referring to indoor skydiving. There’s no way I would ever jump out of a plane but I must admit the sensation of skydiving is intriguing.

We had a brief lesson about body position and hand signals and our instructor went over briefly what to expect from our experience. We donned goggles, earplugs (thus the need for hand signals), a helmet and fly suit plus long hair had to be pulled back and all jewelry and belts had to be removed.

New Year Revolution ifly Group Shot

Pretty sexy group of ladies right? Okay, the suits weren’t that flattering but that’s not why we were there. We waited in the anti-chamber for our turn, one minute each. It really doesn’t sound like a lot of time but in that chamber it was like time stood still. Skydiving takes a bit of understanding your physical body, knowing if your legs are aligned equally, if your arms have the same elbow bend. Thankfully our instructor was able to help us attain the right position so we could enjoy a mere seconds of that freefall sensation.


I knew going in that the risk was controlled (unlike in a plane) but I was still very anxious, right up until my first step into the chamber. At the end that anxiety changed to exhilaration. What an amazing experience. Thankfully I didn’t let my self-doubt and fear stop me from taking a chance.

New Year Revolution ifly chamber shot

But the whole experience did have me thinking about other opportunities I’ve held myself back from exploring out of fear or excuses of time. This year I want to put this nagging voice in a box and try something new, something I really want to do versus something I think I need to do. I believe that’s the difference between a resolution and a revolution, at least according to Kellogg’s

Whereas a New Year’s resolution is all about fixing something about yourself or doing something differently, a revolution is big, bold, forward looking and positive. It’s not about fixing something but trying something new, stepping outside of your comfort zone and the satisfaction of accomplishing something you never dreamed possible.

My New Year’s Revolution is also a step toward living an #AMEXLife, something I’ve talked about in the past and want to do more of in 2015. I want to make the most of this year for me but also as an example to my family. I want to learn new things and rediscover old favourites that have fallen to the wayside. Exploring yoga and meditation, writing a story for children, playing the ukulele again. This is the year to move things from my “someday” list and make them happen this year.

So my plan for 2015 is to pick a topic, task, or skill that interests me, one that doesn’t have built-in excuses like needing money or a certain level of expertise, and focus on learning and practicing it for one month. I don’t expect I’ll become a master at any of these skills, some I may not continue to enjoy after my month working on it, but I will make the effort. I will try new things and share my experience at the end of each month on the site. I think by putting the commitment out there, by requiring myself to make a record each month, I’ll be more apt to follow through.

New Year Revolution selfie

I have so many ideas floating around in my head but I think for January I’ll look at exploring meditation. I’ve never tried it though EverythingMom’s founder Michelle has. It seems like the perfect way to move into a promising year ahead.

Sure we all know we should exercise more, spend more time with the kids, maybe even cut down on certain types of food. These are all important, some even achievable, but what do you want to learn or discover this year? What’s something that interests you? It doesn’t have to be a big challenge or require a lot of time or money, but it is something that would make you happy, even for a moment. What would you like to learn this year?

I should point out that this post wasn’t sponsored but that experience with Kellogg’s Special K and my past work with American Express Canada have spurred on the desire to start this project. Wish me luck!

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2 thoughts on “New Year Revolution and Year of Learning”

    • The skydiving was great fun Freda. It’s something the whole family can do too. They’ve had kids as young as 4 and adults as old as 98. If you do try it you’ll have to let me know your thoughts.

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