206 of the Funniest Monkey Jokes of All Time

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We all had our monkey phase in our childhood, didn’t we?

I still remember the time as a kid when I went on a mountain trek with my parents and saw monkeys from this close for the first time. And there were so many of them. We gave fruits to some, and then one of them took my dad’s hat.

It was loads of fun. And once we came back from the trek, my monkey phase began!

I used to make faces like monkeys, make sounds like monkeys, and ask my mom to tell me stories about monkeys during bedtime.

You know, there is something very funny about monkeys. It can be the way they look, make faces, or act. After all, they are much like humans.

Also, there are so many interesting facts about this animal. Did you know that there are more than 260 species of monkeys? And there are two main categories you can divide them into, namely, Old World Monkeys and New World Monkeys.

Yes, and you can differentiate them by looking at their nostrils.

Now, when it comes to jokes, they are already funny. So, can you imagine how hilarious it will be when the jokes are about monkeys?

I’m already smiling thinking about monkey jokes!

I have created a collection of funny monkey jokes that are great for sharing with your entire family.

The Best Monkey Jokes of All Times

The Best Monkey Jokes of All Times

Let me tell you, monkey jokes are here to stay as they are loved by people of all ages – from kids to adults and grandparents.

Whether you arrange a casual meeting with your colleagues, a get-together with your family, or a dinner with your friends, a joke session can be a great addition.

It will create a friendly environment where you can all laugh and have fun.

Do you know what I like the most about sharing jokes?

You forget whatever rough phase you are going through and laugh your heart out – at least for some time.

It gives you some relief from your everyday stress.

And when you share jokes about monkeys, the fun becomes double. Why? Because humans and monkeys have many similarities. And that animal is itself funny.

Do you know, “Why did the monkey put a net over its head?”

Because “It wanted to catch its breath.”

You have to read on to find more monkey jokes such as these.

Not all jokes can be shared with everyone. While some jokes are meant for kids, some are for adults, and others are for the entire family.

I have made several sections so that you can jump right to the section that you are looking for if you have any.

What do you call an angry monkey?

Furious George.

Why did the monkey cross the road?

To get to the banana stand.

What do you get when you cross a monkey and a skunk?

A stinky monkey.

How do you catch a monkey?

Climb a tree and act like a banana.

What do you call a monkey in a suit?

An ape-ril fool.

Why do monkeys like bananas?

Because they have appeal.

What did the monkey say when he caught his tail in the door?

It won’t be long now.

Why did the monkey go to the doctor?

Because he wasn’t peeling well.

What’s a monkey’s favorite drink?

A banana smoothie.

Why did the monkey go to outer space?

To see the monkey-nauts.

What did the monkey say when he got a haircut?

I’ll be a baboon.

Why don’t monkeys use cell phones?

Because they prefer bananas for their communication.

How do you know when a monkey is going bald?

When he starts losing his a-peel.

What do you call a monkey in a hot tub?

A bubbling baboon.

What do you call a monkey in a suit and tie?

A business chimp.

What did the monkey say when he entered the restaurant?

I’m just here for the ape-tizers.

Why did the monkey join a band?

He wanted to play the cymbals.

What did the monkey say to the banana?

You’re so a-peeling.

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?

Because it was dead.

What’s a monkey’s favorite cookie?

Chocolate chimp.

Why don’t monkeys wear perfume?

They like their natural musk.

Why did the monkey put a bell on himself?

So he could jingle all the way.

What’s a monkey’s favorite flower?


Why did the monkey cross the playground?

To get to the jungle gym.

What did the monkey say when he stole the peach?

This is a-peeling.

Why do monkeys like to swing through trees?

Because it’s ape-solutely fun.

What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?

Whatever you want, he can’t hear you.

What did the monkey say to the elephant at the zoo?

What are you doing here? This is a monkey house.

Why did the monkey wear a tuxedo to the party?

He was the best man-ape.

Why did the monkey take a bath before dinner?

He wanted to be monkey-clean.

What do you call a monkey in a spacesuit?

An astro-chimp.

What did the monkey say when he was asked to take a drug test?

No way man, I don’t do drugs, I’m just high on bananas.

What do you call a monkey that plays basketball?

A slam dunky.

Why did the monkey put a band-aid on his head?

Because he had a chimp ache.

What do you get when you cross a monkey with a kangaroo?

An animal that can climb trees and jump fences.

Why did the monkey break up with his girlfriend?

She was bananas.

Why did the monkey put on a fez and a red suit?

Because he was going to be a monkey Santa Claus.

What do you get when you cross a monkey and a lion?

A monkey that roars.

Hilarious Monkey Jokes

Hilarious Monkey Jokes

When I hear the term monkey jokes, there is already a smile on my face. And why won’t it be?

The combination of monkeys and jokes can make you giggle.

Suppose you are meeting someone at a party for the first time and don’t know what to say to them as your first words. It’s when good jokes come in handy. The jokes work great as ice-breakers.

All you need is to say them, and the person in front of you will have a big smile on their face in seconds. You can then take the conversation in whichever direction you want.

In this section, I have listed the best monkey jokes for everyone. You can share them with your family, friends, and colleagues. It means you can share them with your kids as well. And yes, they are kid-friendly too.

What do you call a monkey that likes to bowl?

A pins-cher!

How do monkeys make coffee?

They use a brewing-gibbon!

Why did the monkey go to space?

To visit the banana moon!

What kind of music do monkeys listen to?

Ape-solutely anything!

Why did the monkey put a slice of bread on his head?

He wanted a monkey sandwich!

What do you call a monkey in a suit that steals?

A con-gibbon!

What do you call a monkey that drives a car?

A road-primate!

Why did the monkey go to the disco?

To do the monkey dance, of course!

What do you call a monkey that works in a movie theater?

An usher-oo!

Why do monkeys make terrible dancers?

Because they have two left feet!

What do you call a monkey that loves to surf?

A board-ape!

What did the monkey say when he won the lottery

Ooh, ooh, ooh, I’m rich!

How do you know if a monkey is telling a lie?

His nose will start to grow!

Why did the monkey join the gym?

He wanted to be a buff-oon!

What do you call a monkey that wears a tutu?

A primate ballerina!

How does a monkey cut his hair?

With a pair of chimpers!

What do you call a monkey that likes to gamble?

A monkeyshiner!

Why did the monkey take a bath?

He didn’t want to be a dirty ape!

What do you call a monkey that’s good at math?

A calcu-later-ape!

Why did the monkey take a banana to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well!

How do you know if a monkey is sick?

He starts to go ape!

What do you call a monkey that’s always hungry?

A famished primate!

Why don’t monkeys ever use computers?

They’re afraid of getting a virus!

What do you call a monkey that likes to paint?

A brush-tailed primate!

Why did the monkey join the circus?

He wanted to be a juggler-oo!

What do you call a monkey that’s a bad singer?

A howler-monkey!

Why did the monkey go to the bar?

He wanted to drink a banana daiquiri!

What do you call a monkey that’s good at basketball?

A slam-dunking simian!

Why did the monkey go to the doctor’s office?

He had a case of jungle fever!

What do you call a monkey that loves to eat pizza?

A pie-primatist!

Funny Monkey Puns

Funny Monkey Puns

I can’t tell you how much I like puns! They sound intelligent and funny and can make you laugh.

Did I tell you what I like the most about puns?

I like the reaction of people. There is a moment of silence when they try to understand the pun and then burst into peals of laughter.

Of course, you can only share puns with some people, as your audience should be such that they can understand the humor in it. Otherwise, they will be left hanging.

In this section, I have listed some funny monkey puns that you can share with your near and dear ones and make them laugh.

Scroll down.

  • It’s a jungle out there, but at least the monkeys are having a swinging time!
  • What do you get when you cross a monkey with a toaster? A banana bread machine!
  • How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the banana peel!
  • Why did the monkey go on a diet? He wanted to be a little less chimp-y!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s always running away? A flee-ling!
  • How do monkeys clean their ears? They use a-pick-a-nut!
  • Why don’t monkeys like to wear suits? They prefer to be a little more casual-chimp!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves to play soccer? A kick-a-primate!
  • Why did the monkey go to the dentist? He had a banana cavity!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves to read? A book-banana-tail!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s always late? A tardy primate!
  • Why did the monkey go to the comedy club? To hear some monkey jokes, of course!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s a great dancer? A swingin’ simian!
  • How do monkeys get to the moon? They use a-rocket-a-nut!
  • Why don’t monkeys like to wear hats? They don’t want to mess up their hair-a-peel!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s a great chef? A culinary chimp-ion!
  • Why did the monkey get into a fight with the banana? He thought it was too ripe!
  • How do you know if a monkey is happy? He’ll be smiling from ear to ear-a-peel!
  • Why don’t monkeys ever get lost? They always have their banana compass with them!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s always texting? A chatty-chimp!
  • Why did the monkey go to the barbershop? He wanted a stylish new tail-cut!
  • How do monkeys stay in shape? They do lots of tree-ercise!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s a great artist? A pic-a-primate!
  • Why did the monkey go to the library? He wanted to check out some monkey books!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s always singing? A croon-a-chimp!
  • How do you know if a monkey is feeling unwell? He’ll be looking a bit gorilla!
  • Why did the monkey go to the flea market? He wanted to buy a flea collar!
  • What do you call a monkey that’s great at magic? A hocus-pocus-primate!
  • Why did the monkey go to the hair salon? He wanted to have his hair styled in a banana-shaped hairdo!
  • How do you know if a monkey is tired? He’ll be yawning a-peel!
  • What do you call a monkey that loves to go on roller coasters? A thrill-a-chimp!
  • Why don’t monkeys ever go to the movies? They can’t sit still for too long!


Monkey Jokes for Kids

Monkey Jokes for Kids

I’m going through a beautiful phase of my life at the moment. I’m a mommy to a toddler and enjoying my journey of motherhood to the fullest.

If you ask me, “What is my favorite sound?” I would say, “The sound of my baby’s laugh.”

I’m sure you can relate if you are a parent, too. It’s what every mother will say, especially new moms. And this is where making kids laugh becomes important for us, parents.

Most kids like the animal monkey. My little one likes watching the videos of “Curious George,” the monkey and learned many things.

Does your kid have a similar liking for monkeys? And do they like listening to jokes?

Then I have good news for you!

I have dedicated this section to monkey jokes for kids. Share these jokes with kids; you will love seeing your kid laugh.

What do you get when you cross a monkey and a fish?

A monkey that can swim!

What do you call a monkey that loves to play video games?

A joy-stick primate!

Why did the monkey go to school?

To learn his A, B, C-peel!

What do you call a monkey that loves to dance?

A hip-swinging simian!

What did the banana say to the monkey?

Nothing, bananas can’t talk!

What do you call a monkey that’s always telling jokes?

A silly simian!

Why don’t monkeys ever play poker in the jungle?

Too many cheetahs!

Why did the monkey climb the tree with a football?

To do some monkey business!

What do you call a monkey that loves to do magic tricks?

A monkey magician!

What do you call a monkey that’s great at math?

A counting chimp!

Why don’t monkeys ever go to space?

They’re afraid of the vacuum-cleaner planet!

What do you call a monkey that’s always working on puzzles?

A brainy banana-tail!

Why did the monkey bring a ladder to the party?

To reach the bananas on the top shelf!

What do you call a monkey that’s always bouncing around?

A jumpy-jungle-primate!

Why did the monkey go to the restaurant?

He wanted to try the banana split!

What do you call a monkey that’s always playing hide and seek?

A peek-a-boo primate!

Why did the monkey go to the movie theater?

He wanted to see the new monkey movie!

What do you call a monkey that’s always playing pranks?

A mischievous monkey!

Why did the monkey go to the hairdresser?

He wanted to get a new hair-a-peel!

What do you call a monkey that loves to read books?

A book-loving banana-tail!

Why don’t monkeys ever go to the zoo?

They don’t want to be caged up like other animals!

What do you call a monkey that’s always working on his computer?

A digital chimp!

What do you call a monkey that’s always drawing pictures?

An artistic ape!

Why did the monkey go to the park?

To play on the monkey bars!

What do you call a monkey that’s always exploring new things?

An adventurous ape!

Why did the monkey go to the doctor with a piece of string tied around his finger?

He didn’t want to forget to eat his bananas!

What do you call a monkey that’s always playing the drums?

A percussion primate!

Why did the monkey go to the beach?

To soak up some monkey sun!

What do you call a monkey that’s always building things?

A construction chimp!

Why did the monkey go to the music store?

To buy a new monkey guitar!

Monkey Jokes for Adults

Monkey Jokes for Adults

Adult jokes are common when we are with our friends. Some of us use dirty words in front of our friends that we can’t use in front of others. Such is our bond with our friends!

Do you have a solid group of friends with whom you can share whatever is in your heart without fear of getting judged?

You know, you are lucky! And this section of jokes is for you.

Here I have come up with monkey jokes for adults. You can share them with your closest friends and partner and have a great time.

Read on.

What do you call a monkey that’s always telling dirty jokes?

A filthy simian!

Why did the monkey refuse to give up smoking?

He was a real chain-swinging primate!

What do you call a group of monkeys that love to party?

A bunch of swinging swingers!

Why don’t monkeys ever get married?

They prefer to swing from branch to branch!

What do you call a monkey that’s always flirting?

A sassy simian!

Why did the monkey become a bartender?

He loved to mix things up!

What do you call a monkey that’s always causing trouble?

A misbehaving monkey!

Why did the monkey go to the strip club?

He heard there was a banana split!

What do you call a monkey that’s always drinking beer?

A brew-chugging banana-tail!

Why did the monkey go to Vegas?

To try his luck at the slots and swing the night away!

What do you call a monkey that’s always hitting on the ladies?

A monkey Casanova!

Why did the monkey go to the gym?

To work on his monkey muscles and attract the ladies!

What do you call a monkey that’s always gambling?

A high-rolling primate!

Why don’t monkeys ever use Tinder?

They prefer to meet face to face and swing from the same branch!

What do you call a monkey that’s always smoking weed?

A blazed-out banana-tail!

Why did the monkey become a professional wrestler?

He was tired of monkeying around!

What do you call a monkey that’s always watching TV?

A couch-potato primate!

Why did the monkey become a private investigator?

He loved to monkey around and get to the bottom of things!

What do you call a monkey that’s always drinking whiskey?

A whiskey-loving banana-tail!

Why did the monkey go to the comedy club?

To laugh and swing the night away!

What do you call a monkey that’s always playing poker?

A card-shuffling primate!

Why did the monkey become a DJ?

He loved to mix things up and swing the night away!

What do you call a monkey that’s always partying?

A party animal primate!

Why don’t monkeys ever go to church?

They don’t believe in original simian!

What do you call a monkey that’s always chasing the ladies?

A lady-loving banana-tail!

Why did the monkey become a fashion model?

He loved to show off his monkey style!

What do you call a monkey that’s always listening to music?

A music-loving primate!

Why did the monkey become a comedian?

He loved to make people laugh and swing the night away!

What do you call a monkey that’s always playing sports?

An athletic ape!

Why did the monkey go to the rock concert?

To bang his head and swing the night away!

What do you call a monkey that’s always cooking?

A culinary chimp!

Why did the monkey become a surfer?

He loved to catch some waves and swing the day away!

What do you call a monkey that’s always clubbing?

A club-hopping primate!

Why did the monkey become a writer? He loved to write about his crazy monkey adventures!

Knock Knock Monkey Jokes

Knock Knock Monkey Jokes

Here comes my favorite kind of joke – the knock-knock joke!

What do you like the most about these jokes?

These are super interactive and engaging. The person or the audience you share these jokes with gets to participate in the process. It makes the entire session all the more fun and full of laughter.

I find knock-knock jokes to be silly too. You know, sometimes the answer is super silly. But no matter how silly these jokes are, they never fail to bring a smile to the audience’s face.

Also, these jokes are perfect for sharing with your entire family. You all can sit together after your family game night and share these awesome knock-knock monkey jokes.

And as you already know, kids and adults alike are fond of monkeys!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

A banana.

A banana who?

A banana that the monkey wants to eat!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Boo who?

Don’t cry, little monkey, I’m just joking!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Boo who?

Boo who? Don’t be scared, little monkey, it’s just me!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Alpaca who?

Alpaca the bananas for the monkey, he’s hungry!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Bananana who?

Bananana split, let’s get out of here monkey!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Gorilla who?

Gorilla my dreams, monkey!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Harry who?

Harry up and give the monkey a banana!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Ivana who?

Ivana hold of the monkey’s tail!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Jungle who?

Jungle bells, jungle bells, monkey loves to play!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce in, it’s cold outside and the monkey needs a warm place!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Mimosa who?

Mimosa monkey wants some juice!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Olive who?

Olive monkey’s tricks and monkey business!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad you’re not a monkey, always eating bananas?

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Peas who?

Peas give the monkey some vegetables, he needs to stay healthy!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Rufus who?

Rufus the monkey, that’s who!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Safari who?

Safari so good, let’s keep the monkey happy!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Tango who?

Tango bananas, monkey!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Umbrella who?

Umbrella the monkey to keep him dry!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Voodoo who?

Voodoo you think you are, monkey?

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Wanda who?

Wanda the monkey, always looking for a banana!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Xavier who?

Xavier the monkey, that’s who!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Yogi who?

Yogi monkey, that’s who!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Zebra who?

Zebra the monkey, always on the move!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Chimpy who?

Chimpy the monkey, always up to something!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Cheese who?

Cheese the monkey’s favorite food!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Jazzy who?

Jazzy the monkey, always dancing to the beat!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Mango who?

Mango grab some bananas for the monkey!

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Peanut who?

Peanut the monkey’s best friend!


These monkey jokes are hilarious and can bring a smile to your listener’s face in no time. So, have you enjoyed reading these jokes? Are you eager to share these with your friends and family? Do you want me to add more sections of jokes?

Let me know in the comments!

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