
Ontario Science Centre’s #WeirdScienceTO Giveaway

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From shrunken heads and stretched necks to large crystal caves and art carved on a pin, you’ll find it all at new Science of Ripley’s Believe it or Not exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre. Haven’t been yet? We have a giveaway that can help.

You can read more about our experience at the exhibit but the best way to experience it is in person. The folks at the Ontario Science Centre want to make it easier by offering a family access to the exhibit and more. One (1) lucky EverythingMom reader in the GTA area has a chance to win the #WeirdScienceTo bundle (value of $230 Cdn) including:

WeirdScienceTO Prize

  • 1 multi-pass for Ontario Science Centre admission (up to five people)
  • 1 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Eye-Popping Oddities book
  • 1 A Curious Man: The Strange and Brilliant Life of Robert Believe It or Not! Ripley
  • 1 SmartLab That’s Gross Science Lab
  • Enotmo Farms Cricket Protein Powder (56 g)
  • Additional swag (e.g., buttons, pencils, bug pops and Entomo Farms snack  packs)

The exhibit runs until September 5, 2016 making it a perfect summer vacation experience. Plus you can checkout the Cohen Family Nature Escape when you are there.

For a chance to win comment below telling me what is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen. Can’t wait to read these answers.

One (1) #WeirdScienceTO bundle is available to be won. Contest closes July 28, 2016 and is open to Canadian residents only. Winner must be within the Toronto area in order to claim prize. No transportation is provided. Please see full contest rules.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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26 thoughts on “Ontario Science Centre’s #WeirdScienceTO Giveaway”

  1. weirdest thing… oh geez i dunno… maybe one example was when i saw a kermit doll crammed into the side of a transport truck while driving.

  2. The weirdest thing I’ve ever seen was a video of a cat hanging off the back of a guy who was riding on a motorcycle!

  3. The weirdest thing I saw was the man with the world’s longest fingernails. Who really would want whirly, curly nails like that?

  4. I have seen so many weird things, but my child willingly ate seasoned crickets at the Royal Winter Fair (yikes)

  5. The weirdest thing I have seen was a guy get out of his car in the construction zone and start to do stretches. This went on for about 15 minutes while traffic was stopped. He then got back in his car and drove away.

  6. I’m not really sure if I would say that I have seen anything weird.. I once woke up in the morning – looked out the window to see a giraffe walking down the street (I live by a zoo and they walk their animals through our subdivision).

  7. Huh, you’ve really got me thinking. We spend 4 months of the year in southern Mexico and while I don’t think that a lot things are weird, I’m sure that Canadians would. Once time, we were walking down the street and there was a monkey on someones roof (it was a pet that had gone out the window as opposed to being wild).

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  8. I haven’t seen too many weird things. I guess it is kinda unsual to me that people make their earring holes so big.

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