Rediscover Old Memories with this BLACKS Shoebox Service Giveaway

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Birthdays, weddings, family vacations, these moments are once in a lifetime and taking photographs are one way in which we try to capture them. These images have a way of teleporting us back to a moment in time and sharing stories almost forgotten. But sometimes these images stay stuck in stacks of printed photos, tiny negatives or slides sitting in a box at the back of your closet.

That’s the case with a lot of the images from my mom’s life, including my childhood and her own family life. Thanks to BLACKS Shoebox Service I’m hoping to bring these memories to life, making digital images from her collection of 35mm slides, images she can print to display or share with family. I can’t wait to hear her stories as she shares them with my kids, a part of our family history that’s sat in storage.

Contest BLACKS ShoeBox Service Slides

The service does take a few weeks but as I gather up my mom’s slide collection and prepare to share my experience of converting them into digital images, the folks at BLACKS are offering one (1) EverythingMom reader the opportunity to bring old family memories to life with their own Gold Shoebox Package ($149.99 Cdn value).

Scan your collection of photographs, negatives, or slides into a digital format stored on a USB drive, great for printing and sharing. You can even have every image colour corrected and enhanced if you wish. Organize your images in a certain order or gathered in a group and they’ll be scanned in that order plus a soft cover proof book of your images makes it easy to find a moment you are looking for. Discover the different Shoebox Service package by visiting

Our lives are full of stories, time to relive and share some of them with the BLACKS Shoebox Service. What memories are sitting in your closet? Slides from your mother’s childhood? Photos from your child’s first year? Negatives from, who knows when? For a chance to win this Blacks Gold Shoebox Package fill out the form below letting me know what images you would use this service for?

One (1) BLACKS Gold Shoebox Package ($149.99 Cdn value) is available to be won. Contest closes February 13, 2015 and is open to Canadian residents only. Please see full contest rules.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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38 thoughts on “Rediscover Old Memories with this BLACKS Shoebox Service Giveaway”

  1. My Grandma passed away last spring, and I’d love to get my Grandpa’s old slides done. There are so many and I know he’d appreciate it so much!


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