Nighttime Wetting Questions Answered and a GoodNites Giveaway

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Returning to school can be full of excitement as well a anxiety for parents and kids. This can also contribute to nighttime bed wetting. To help your family ease your family into better nights, we have answers to a few common questions around your child’s nighttime wettings plus a GoodNites giveaway.

“As families make the transition into back-to-school, a whole host of stressors can affect kids in all kinds of ways – from racing thoughts to tummy aches and nighttime wetting. Allowing kids to lean into your support and empowering them with tools to cope can go a long way towards moving them from stressed to carefree.”

Michele Kambolis, Child and Family Therapist

To help families dealing with nighttime wetting, Michele answers 5 frequently asked questions by moms:

1. What causes nighttime wetting?
Nighttime wetting occurs when:

  • The brain and bladder don’t send the signals needed to wake up to go pee
  • The bladder is not mature enough to hold urine overnight
  • The bladder overproduces urine in the evening or during sleep

Over time, as the bladder grows, muscles strengthen and neurological connections develop, nighttime wetting most often resolved on its own.

2. Can you train your child to stop nighttime wetting?
Nighttime dryness is a subconscious skill that cannot be “taught” or “practiced.” What happens when a child is asleep simply isn’t within their control. Attempting to train your child out of it will only create unnecessary stress and may even leave them feeling as though they’ve failed. Dry nights will come with time and patience.

3. Should parents wake up their child to use the washroom at night?
Constantly waking your child in the night to take them to the bathroom not only interrupts your child’s sleep, but your sleep too! Try using absorbent products from GoodNites® to help your child stay dry through the night without fear or embarrassment.

4. How can parents encourage children when they’re upset over nighttime wetting?
Include your child in the conversation as you develop strategies for coping, helping them understand that nighttime wetting is not something they can control and it is not a problem they have to face on their own.

5. When should parents begin to worry about their child’s nighttime wetting?
While there are some medical conditions that can contribute to nighttime wetting, most children who wet the bed do not have any sort of medical problem. If a child’s nighttime wetting occurs past age 7, consult with your family doctor to ensure there are no medical-related factors.


Goodnites wants to make nights easier for your child during the start of the school season with a giveaway consisting of a gorgeous soft bed throw, adorable pillow cases, GoodNites Bed Mats plus some nighttime wetting tips and tools. To enter simply comment in the form below sharing your child’s favourite part of your nighttime routine.

One (1) Goodnites giveaway is available to be won. Contest closes September 30, 2016 and is open to Canadian residents only. Please see full contest rules. Questions reposted with permission.

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