5 Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms

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Let’s face it. Good self-esteem can be a tricky thing to maintain, and even the most confident moms can have the occasional off day.

Doubting yourself is natural human behavior, and being self-assured 24/7 would likely prove to be a lofty and exhausting goal.

However, with everyday expectations, commitments, and mile-long to-do lists, moms can be pushed to the limits. It’s useful every now and then to check in and make sure that you are still happy within yourself.

Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms

These five self-esteem boosters can help to remind you that no matter what comes your way each day, you are, in fact, awesome, and rocking motherhood.

Hang on to those Glamour Shots

Whether it’s the dirty-haired, tired-eyed days of looking after a newborn, or being run ragged between carpool and work, sometimes the realities of being a mom can make it hard to feel great about your appearance.

One thing that is sure to send me into a spiral of self-doubt is a bad photo.

Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms

Questions such as “Is that my face,” and “Does it always look like that,” come hard and fast after being tagged in a photo I would rather see buried under the ocean.

Maybe it doesn’t need to be that glamorous, but keeping a photo where you look or feel fabulous, or are simply having an amazing time can certainly lift spirits and remind you of your natural beauty.

List your Achievements

There may be days when it feels like you are rubbish at absolutely everything, and the fact you’ve managed to leave bed without triggering some sort of disaster is a miracle. It happens to the best of us, and this line of thinking can sink a mood pretty quickly.

Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms

Keeping small visual reminders of things that you are proud of (hanging up certificates, framing lots of photos, displaying creations) can remind you that you have achieved a lot, regardless of what your inner critic might say.

On the days where your baby won’t stop crying, your partner is in a mood and your brain has all but turned to mush, it’s a good idea to take note of all the things you are wonderful at.

Sitting down and writing everything brilliant that you have done in the last few years, such as getting a new job, mastering a hobby, creating a beautiful family, can help you shift gears and make you feel ready to take on the world.

Practice Meditation

We can all agree that mediation is good for you. It is known to decrease stress levels, reduce anxiety, increase feelings of positivity and improve overall self-esteem.

If you experience high levels of stress consistently – which is pretty much a guarantee if you have young kids – it can be challenging at times to think clearly.

Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms

Regular meditation can combat stress, fostering a more optimistic frame of mind to handle even the most frazzled and frenzied days. This change of attitude will make it easier to see the best in yourself, and as meditation has also been shown to enhance productivity and energy, you will likely find that your accomplishments are on a roll.

Hoard Compliments

If someone texts or messages you a particularly excellent compliment, save it. Equally, if someone says something to you which makes you glow, make sure you keep a note of their words tucked away.

Take the happiness of your kids as a sign of your excellent mom-skills, but allow yourself to bask in the glow of sincere adoration every now and then.

Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms

This may seem like the first step on the road to a “big head,” but when you feel the scales tipping in favor of self-doubt, there’s nothing wrong with reminding yourself of the impact you make on the lives of others.

Reading kind words can ensure you get a little flush of confidence whenever you need it most.

Strut your Stuff

Unless you are feeling very bold, this might be best to do on your own, and preferably to some empowering music turned all the way up.

Taking on a physical embodiment of confidence, perhaps while singing Beyoncé songs at the top of your lungs, can definitely pull you out of the doldrums.

There’s a reasons why people sing into their hairbrushes and play air guitar — it makes you feel amazing.

Doing something that denotes confidence, such as strutting, walking taller, or dancing around the home can trick you into happiness when you are feeling unsure of yourself. Practicing self-care includes doing activities that can prevent you from falling into an anxiety spiral — power poses included.

If there’s anything that is tried-and-true when it comes to making you feel confident, it is a great idea to enact it as soon as insecurity begins to creep in.

For parents, there are many stresses and worries to contend with, and moms frequently find themselves doubting their abilities. By spending a few moments reinforcing your self-esteem and giving yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work and achievements, you can make sure that these feelings are fleeting, and that your confidence will win out.

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7 thoughts on “5 Quick Self-Esteem Boosts For Busy Moms”

  1. As a mum juggling a million things at once, it’s easy to put our own needs on the back burner. Your suggestions for simple yet effective ways to boost self-esteem are exactly what I needed to hear. From practicing gratitude and positive affirmations to taking time for self-care and setting realistic goals, these tips are not only practical but also achievable – even on the busiest days. Thanks for reminding us mums that our well-being matters too.

  2. Wow!! Really helpful… Moms should try this will help them a lot!!
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  3. I absolutely love this idea of hoarding compliments – it is just so easy to focus on the negative we need to give a lot more attention to the positive!


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