How Stay At Home Moms Can Stay In Shape

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Having children is hard work! Kids are draining, both emotionally and physically. They take a toll on your body and your health. Moms are notorious about putting their own needs on the bottom of the list of family priorities, often to their own detriment. Luckily, being a stay at home mom doesn’t mean that you can’t stay in shape. In fact, there are five easy routines that can be incorporated into even busy days, with your children under your feet. mom-at-home-workoutYou will not only get fit, but set a good example of healthy living for your kids.

1. Running and Walking РThis is the easiest form of exercise for a stay at home mom. You can run or walk anywhere, at any time. If you have a treadmill, it can be done indoors. For those that like fresh air, you can explore your neighborhood. For a great workout, put your little ones in a stroller and push them as you jog. Both running and walking are an aerobic exercise, getting your heart rate going to burn calories.

2. Get Wii Fit – Most moms know that video games can make kids fat, but newer options are not only interactive, but are actually really good at burning fat. This is one of the best exercise routines for a stay at home mom. Using a Wii Fit is extremely motivating, as the system helps you set goals and track progress. There are dozens of titles available to keep your workouts varied. Unlike other exercise equipment, the basic program is very affordable. If your children already play the Wii, adding the extra components is only around $100. Don’t be surprised if you turn around and see your kids running, jumping and stretching right along with you. Choose from yoga, balance, strength training and more.

3. Exercise DVDs – Like playing the Wii, these exercise programs are completely indoors and you can work out right at home, whenever you have the time. There are plenty of different programs, methods and instructors to choose from. Whether you prefer Denise Austen or Bob Harper, there is a DVD to meet your needs. Exercise DVDs are cheap and most require no additional equipment, though simple tools like dumbbells can be useful.

4. Bike Riding – Bike riding is another form of aerobic exercise that not only burns calories, but is easy to fit in with children. Older kids can ride along with mom, while little ones can be strapped securely into a bike trailer. They will enjoy the ride and the trailer will give you a bit more resistance, increasing the quality of your workout. If weather is poor, try a stationary bike, or use an alternative workout that can be done inside.

5. Yoga – Yoga is very popular with moms, both those¬†that stay at home and those that work. When you look at yoga, it may not look¬†seem much of a workout, but don’t let yourself be fooled. Yoga is fantastic for stay at home moms; it not only builds strength, balance and flexibility, but it is also extremely calming. If you have a newborn, you may be able to find regimens that incorporate your baby- by having them lie on your stomach, for example, while you perform a pose. You can learn basic yoga poses by doing a quick Internet search or getting a book with good illustrations. If you need a bit of resistance, purchase inexpensive bands and weights, or use something that is around the house, such as a water bottle.

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2 thoughts on “How Stay At Home Moms Can Stay In Shape”

  1. These are some great ideas. I love any exercise I can do that also gets my kids involved. I get a workout and we have some fun family time, also.

    • Agreed Heather. When you’re home with the kids sometimes it’s easier to figure out a workout that incorporates them. I loved doing yoga with my kids when they were little.


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