
Detoxify, Hydrate, and Exfoliate with Consonant

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Our skin goes through a lot, from environmental conditions to the products we wear. Just like we need to rest and reinvigorate, so does our skin. Consonant Skincare’s new multitasking DHE Mask is a great way to start.

Our Junior Style Blogger and myself decided to take some out and try a little pampering with the DHE Mask that was sent to us to try. Like most of Consonant’s products, this multitasking mask is 100 per cent natural and is designed to detoxify (Manicouagan Clay with the help of willow bark and tea tree extracts), hydrate (Potent Cassia Angustifolia, grape seed and olive oils), and exfoliate (naturally occurring fruit acids).

“When it came time to formulate our new mask, our customers told us they wanted one that does it all. That’s why our DHE Mask hydrates and detoxifies and exfoliates: these are the three cornerstones of every healthy skin care regimen,” said Bill Baker, CEO of Consonant Skincare. “But the challenge was balancing the formulation with just the right concentrations of active ingredients so it delivers each of these benefits optimally. In the end, our test panel tells us we nailed it. The DHE Mask improves the look and feel of your skin from the very first use.”

consonant dhe mask 1

The DHE Mask is one you leave on your face for about thirty minutes and I loved the tingling sensation it created while on my skin. Although it is a mud mask it wasn’t a thick paste-like consistancy. It’s actually quite smooth and easy to apply over the face. Even applying the mask had a pleasant aroma, like that sensation you get from Eucalyptus. It was uplifting to inhale. This helped to set the mood for a little time to unwind.

Although you could apply the mask and go about your day, getting tasks done at home, my need to wear glasses sort of forced me to take time off. That’s not really a bad thing. Our Junior Style Blogger also enjoyed wearing the mask. She loved the feel of the mask on her face, saying it felt really light to wear. I could have kept the Consonant DHE Mask on much longer but my skin felt lovely after washing it off.

Whether you’re looking for a little personal pampering or your skin needs a refresh from the world around you, the Consonant Skincare DHE Mask is the perfect natural product.

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