Books for Kids: Ivy and Bean Make the Rules

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Ivy and Bean Make the Rules
Chronicle Books/Raincoast Books
age 5-8
by Annie Barrows, illustrated by Sophie Blackall
132 pages

Synopsis from Raincoast Books:

Bean’s older sister, Nancy, is going to Girl Power 4-Ever Camp, where she will do Crafts and Music and First Aid and other secret things that Bean will never know about because girls have to be eleven to go to Girl Power 4-Ever Camp. Bean doesn’t care. She doesn’t want to go to camp. She wouldn’t go even if they begged her. So ha. So ha ha. So-wait a second! Bean and Ivy can make their own camp, their own better camp: Camp Flaming Arrow, where counselors Ivy and Bean will give a whole new meaning to Crafts, Music, First Aid, and hands-on learning!

Young kids want to be able to do what their older siblings or cousins or neighbours do. They’re too old to participate in what they perceive as childish things, yet they’re too young to do what the big kids are doing. This can be a hard spot. Ivy and Bean Make the Rules show that with a little imagination, kids can create a ‘big kid’ activity and adventure that still has some silly little kid fun.

While reading Ivy and Bean Make the Rules, I could see my five-year old’s mind spinning with ideas. This is a great way to address the issue of wanting to be big. It’s also a great story to encourage kids to use their imagination and come up with ideas and activities to entertain themselves and friends. Ivy’s girly-girl personality perfectly balances Bean’s more brash side, making it a duo that appeals to a large girl audience.

You can find a copy of Ivy and Bean Make the Rules by visiting your local book store or visiting Raincoast Books. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.

I have to thank Raincoast Books for my review copy.


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