
Kid’s Book Review: Eddie Gets Ready for School

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kids_book_review_eddie_gets_ready_for_schoolEddie Gets Ready for School
Scholastic Canada
Age 3-5, 5-8
32 Pages
by David Milgrim

Synopsis from Scholastic Canada:

Now that Eddie can get ready all by himself, his morning routine is anything but ordinary: wake up (with a megaphone), get dressed (up in a costume), pack a snack (a watermelon’s perfect), find something for show-and-tell (No, not the TV!), run like mad to catch bus! With understated humor and uproarious illustrations, David Milgrim’s first checklist book gets you to school on time, and in a great mood.

There are a few things you know you’re kids should do before heading out the door to school: have a healthy breakfast, wash-up, drink rootbeer. Okay, maybe Eddie’s getting ready for school checklist has a few flaws but kids will get a chuckle out of reading Eddie Gets Ready for School. The book is written from a child’s perspective making it approachable to kids. Many of the things on Eddie’s list are things kids can do are are learning to do. And just as starting school is a step towards independance, so is a child getting ready on his own.

Eddie Gets Ready for School is a great way to prepare kids for a morning routine that might be different from what they are use to or one they haven’t done in a while due to summer holidays. The text is large, short word sentences written just like a checklist of tasks. Perhaps a great way to end the night by talking about what needs to be done in the morning or it can help you create your own checklist for school with your child.

You can add Eddie Gets Ready for School to your personal library by visiting your local book store or visiting Scholastic Canada . Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations. What are you reading with your kids?

I have to thank Nikole at Random House for my review copy.

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