
187 Mind-Bending Riddles That Will Leave You Confused

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What is the best game you can think of when spending time with your family and friends? Well, my answer will always be “riddles.”

Riddles are fun. They confuse you. They make you think, and above all, they let you have a great time with the people close to your heart.

Now, riddles make it easier to spend a good time with your favorite family and friends and come with many benefits. It increases your IQ. It gives a boost to your concentration power. It improves your cognitive abilities, increasing productivity, and the list continues.

As a parent to a kid, what I like the most about riddles is that they can keep your kid busy. Your kid takes time when they think what the answer could be. They use their brain, which, in turn, contributes to having an active and healthy brain.

Here I have come up with a collection of the most entertaining riddles you can ask your friends, family, and colleagues and make the most of your time. It’s sure to leave them confused and at their wit’s end.

The Best Confusing Riddles of All Times

I’m not very good when it comes to solving riddles. But I have a friend in our group who is a pro. And she likes to show it off.

Whenever we organize a party or meet, she asks at least one riddle for each of us. And so, we have given her a nickname: Riddler!

Not all riddles can be answered by everyone or meant for everyone. By that, I mean the riddles meant for adults are inappropriate for kids.

That is why I have made multiple sections while creating the list of the most confusing riddles ever.

If you want anything particular, you can skip directly to that section.

Happy riddling!

Funny Confusing Riddles

Funny Confusing Riddles

Riddles are mostly funny. Some are funnier than others. In this section, I have listed the riddles that are confusing and super hilarious at the same time.

Humor is something that we need daily in our daily lives. But we have all become so busy with our lives that sometimes we forget to smile.

That is where these funny riddles can help!

Try reading funny riddles if you can take a few minutes from your busy work-life schedule. And when you are done reading, you will find yourself smiling. You can trust me on this.

And if you can take out some more time, you can play the game of riddles with the people you are close to.

Sounds fun?

What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

The letter “M”.

What has keys but can’t open locks?

A piano.

What gets wet while drying?

A towel.

What has a heart that doesn’t beat?

A deck of cards.

What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?

A piano keyboard.

What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

A palm tree.

What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

A clock.

What has to be broken before you can use it?

An egg.

What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?

A map.

What has four legs but can’t walk?

A table.

What has a neck but no head?

A bottle.

What goes up but never comes down?

Your age.

What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?


What has a bottom at the top?

Your legs.

What has a bed but never sleeps?

A river.

What has keys but can’t open doors?

A piano.

What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

A staircase.

What can you catch but never throw?

A cold.

What starts with “e,” ends with “e,” and contains only one letter?

An envelope.

What has legs but doesn’t walk?

A table.

What has keys but can’t open locks and can play music?

A computer keyboard.

What has teeth but cannot eat?

A comb.

What has many letters but can’t read?

The alphabet.

What has a face that doesn’t frown, a hand but can’t wave?

A clock.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot.

What belongs to you but is used more by others?

Your name.

What’s black and white and red all over?

A newspaper.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps?

A river.

What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin.

What’s the longest word in the dictionary?

“Smiles” because there’s a mile between each “s”!

Easy Confusing Riddles

Easy Confusing Riddles

Yes, riddles can be easy too. It is not always something that can make you pull your hair thinking about the right answer.

If you are new to riddles or are playing the game of riddles with people who have little experience with riddles, start with the easy ones.

And that is where the following list of easy riddles comes into the picture.

Try them and see how you all can enjoy them!

I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?

Pencil lead/graphite.

What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

A penny.

What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left hand?

Your left hand.

What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?

The future.

I have no eyes, no legs, or ears, but I help you see and hear. What am I?


What has hands but can’t clap?

A clock.

What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?


What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter?

An envelope.

What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?

A glove.

I have a single eye, but cannot see. I am found in darkness, but never in light. What am I?

A needle.

I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch will soon turn red. What am I?


I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation and surround every place. What am I?

The letter “e”.

I can fly without wings, cry without eyes, and see without a body. What am I?


What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand?

Your left hand.

I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?

A joke.

What belongs to you but is used by others more than you?

Your name.

You go at red and stop at green. What am I?

A watermelon.

I have married many times, but have always been single. Who am I?

A priest.

I am higher without a head. What am I?

A pillow.

I have 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach. What am I?

A deck of cards.

I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?

A feather. (A piece of paper or a leaf would certainly qualify too!)

I break, but never fall. And I fall, but never break. What are we?

Day and night.

Hard Confusing Riddles

Hard Confusing Riddles

Are you a pro at solving riddles? Do you take less than a minute to solve most riddles?

Then this section is for you!

Here I have come up with some of the hardest riddles you may encounter. The answer can be completely different from what you must have thought. And yes, they are confusing too.

If you arrange a party with your closest bunch or people who like riddles, you can ask them the following questions. And you will know how knowledgeable they are when it comes to riddles!

I’m as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for much longer than a minute. What am I?


What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and rivers, but no water?

A map.

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

A stamp.

I am not alive, but I can grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. What am I?


I am not alive, but I can die. I am not human, but I can cry. What am I?

A robot.

The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it, never uses it. The person who uses it, never knows they’re using it. What is it?

A coffin.

You see me once in June, twice in November, and not at all in May. What am I?

The letter “e”.

I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?

Seven (take away the letter “s” and you get “even”).

I have keys, but no locks. I have space, but no room. You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?

A keyboard.

I am a word that is spelled the same way forward and backward. What am I?


What has one eye but cannot see?

A needle.

What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats?

A river.

I am a word that becomes shorter when you add two letters to it. What word am I?


What has many teeth but can’t bite?

A comb.

I have a ring but no fingers. What am I?

A telephone.

What is full of holes but still holds water?

A sponge.

Confusing Riddles for Kids

Confusing Riddles for Kids

No party is complete without kids, especially if you are a parent. And kids love entertaining things, and riddles are one of them.

The riddles meant for kids are super easy, and the answers they deal with in their everyday life. So, they need to think clearly and in the right direction. And the answer will be in front of them.

If you are a parent to a school-going kid, they can remember the riddles they have learned and then show them off to their friends in school.

I have dedicated this section to riddles for kids. Share these with the youngest family member and experience a bright smile on their face.

What has a face that doesn’t frown, a neck but no head, and a body that’s all brown?

A bottle.

I’m as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for much longer than a minute. What am I?


What can fill up an entire room, but take up zero space?


What weighs less when it gets bigger?


Which word becomes shorter when 2 letters are added to it?

The word “short.

What are the only two things cannot have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner.

What is the only thing in the world that is perfect?

The word “perfect.”

What can run but never walks and has a mouth?

A river.

In one year, how many months have 28 days? Answer: All the months. What has a neck but no head?

A shirt.

What is something that you get to keep after you give it to someone?

Your word.

Helen, George, and Ellen are having a cup of coffee while Max, Barb, and Dave are having 7up. What is Elizabeth drinking; coffee or soda?

Elizabeth is having coffee.

I have forests with no trees, cities with no houses, water with no waves. What am I?


What starts with T, finishes with T, but also has T inside?


There are three types of stoves: a brick stove, a glass stove and a wood stove but you have only one match with you. Which one would you have to light up first?

The match.

Two sons and two fathers go out fishing. They catch one fish each, but they only bring home three fish. Why?

They were father, grandfather, and son.

What is one question that will get different answers at different times and yet would still be correct?

“What’s the time?”

What is always coming but never arrives?


What has a face that can’t smile, a back that can’t bend, and two arms that can’t hold anything?

A clock.

What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left hand?

Your left hand.

What has to be fed but never eats?

A fire.

I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?

A bank.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?

A river.

I’m full of holes, but I can still hold water. What am I?

A sponge.

What can you hold without ever touching it?

A conversation.

Confusing Riddles for Adults

Confusing Riddles for Adults

When we become adults, the way we look at different things changes. We enjoy “adult” things more. And riddles are no exception to them.

 The dirtier the riddles, the more fun.

So, in this section, I have come up with the naughtiest and dirtiest riddles that will make you grin. The double meanings in these riddles can crack up even the most boring person!

You can share the confusing riddles for adults with your partner or gang of friends and have a time you will remember for a long time.

What is full of holes but can still hold water?

A sponge.

I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?

A bank.

I have keys but can’t open locks. I have a space, but there are no rooms. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

A keyboard.

What has a ring but no finger?

A telephone.

What has a face but doesn’t frown, a heart but never beats, and runs but doesn’t walk?

A clock.

What belongs to you but is used more by others?

Your name.

What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

A penny.

What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?

A stamp.

What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

A map.

The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it, never uses it. The person who uses it, never knows they’re using it. What is it?

A coffin.

What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die?


What has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and allows you to enter but not go in?

A keyboard.

Confusing Riddles About Love

Confusing Riddles About Love

Yes, love is something that we all want to have in our lives. It is a special feeling that you have for special people.

You know that heartbreak can cause great grief and fill your life with sadness, but you still fall in love. After all, love is something we all are drawn towards, no matter how hard we try not to.

Love doesn’t only mean romantic love between partners. It can range from the love between a baby and a mother and between friends to the love between siblings.

I have reserved this section for riddles about love. Share these with the people you are blessed to have in your life, and enjoy!

“I have caused the worst of tragedies, yet I am chased and desired the most. What am I?”


I can be bitter or sweet, passionate or cold. I can heal your wounds, but also break your heart. What am I?


I am a word of five letters, but if you remove my first letter, I become a form of love. What am I?

Amour (Removing the ‘a’ leaves “mour,” which means sorrow in French).

I am greater than God, more evil than the devil. The poor have me, the rich need me, and if you eat me, you’ll die. What am I?

Nothing. (Love is often described as greater than God, and it can be both a source of joy and pain.)

I can be blind or profound, irrational or logical. People search for me, and some find me, while others lose me. What am I?


I have no heart or mind, yet I rule all. I can make you feel invincible or crush your spirit. What am I?


I can be a beautiful melody or a haunting tune. I am a universal language that needs no translation. What am I?


I can be tender or fierce, a force that can build or destroy. I can make you feel alive or break you apart. What am I?


I am a four-letter word that can create and destroy worlds. I am the reason for joy and pain. What am I?


I am a feeling that cannot be seen, but it can be felt by everyone. I am both fragile and strong. What am I?


I am a puzzle that can be both challenging and rewarding. I bring people together or tear them apart. What am I?


I can be blind, yet see everything. I can bring you joy or sorrow. I can’t be touched, but I can be felt deeply. What am I?


I am a paradox, an emotion that can make you feel alive and vulnerable at the same time. What am I?


I can be patient and kind, but I can also be jealous and possessive. I am a complex emotion that defies definition. What am I?


I am a fire that burns within, consuming everything in its path. I can warm your soul or leave you scorched. What am I?


I can be a leap of faith or a steady journey. I can be fragile like glass or unyielding like a mountain. What am I?


I am a riddle that has no answer, a mystery that cannot be solved. I am both simple and complex. What am I?


I can be a gentle breeze or a raging storm. I can bring comfort or turmoil. What am I?


I am a force that can unite hearts and souls. I can create miracles and move mountains. What am I?


I am a chemical reaction, a cocktail of emotions. I can make you soar or bring you to your knees. What am I?


I am a dance between two souls, a rhythm that can be harmonious or discordant. What am I?


I am a puzzle with no solution, an enigma that can never be fully understood. What am I?


I can be a delicate flower or a thorny rose. I can bring joy or pain. What am I?


I can be a whisper or a shout, a secret longing or an overwhelming passion. What am I?


I am a roller coaster ride of emotions, a journey with no map. I can make you feel alive or leave you breathless. What am I?


I am a mirage in the desert, a dream that can vanish with the dawn. What am I?


I am a riddle with no answer, a puzzle with no solution. I am both the question and the answer. What am I?


I can be a gentle touch or a crushing weight. I can bring happiness or despair. What am I?


I am a tightrope walk between heart and mind, a delicate balance that can easily be broken. What am I?


I am a river that flows endlessly, carrying both joy and sorrow. I can carve canyons or create oases. What am I?


I am a battlefield of emotions, a war between heart and mind. I can bring peace or destruction. What am I?


I am a magnet that draws souls together, a force that binds hearts. I can be both gentle and relentless. What am I?


I can be a ray of sunshine or a thunderstorm. I can illuminate your world or leave it in darkness. What am I?


I am a song that plays in your heart, a melody that resonates within your soul. What am I?


I am a tightrope walk between vulnerability and strength. I can make you feel invincible or expose your weaknesses. What am I?


I am a kaleidoscope of emotions, a tapestry woven with threads of joy and pain. What am I?


I am a labyrinth of emotions, a maze with no exit. I can be both exhilarating and terrifying. What am I?


I am a flame that burns eternally, a light that can guide or blind. What am I?


I am a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, a puzzle that can never be completed. What am I?


I am a symphony of emotions, a masterpiece composed by the heart. What am I?


I am a secret language spoken by souls, a connection that transcends words. What am I?


Confusing Riddles for Friends

Confusing Riddles for Friends

Friends are the group I enjoy the most while playing riddles. Do you know the reason?

They don’t judge you when you come up with some silly or naughty answer because the chances are that they are going to come up with something sillier or naughtier!

Yes, I admit, my group of friends has a very dirty mind. No matter how innocently you say a line, they will find a double meaning and laugh.

I find myself at ease when I’m with them.

So, I have dedicated this section of confusing riddles to friends.

Plan a get-together with them and keep a session of riddles where you all can laugh and relieve stress!

I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I?

A map.

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?


I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

An echo.

What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?

A piano.

What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?

A chalkboard.

What can you catch but not throw?

A cold.

I am full of holes but still holds water. What am I?

A sponge.

What has a face that doesn’t frown, a hand but no thumb?

A clock.

What has a ring but no finger?

A telephone.

I have keys but can’t open locks. I have a space but have no room. You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?

A keyboard.

What starts with “e,” ends with “e,” and contains one letter?

An envelope.

I am always in front of you but can never be seen. What am I?

The future.

What has one eye but cannot see?

A needle.

I am not alive, but I can grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. What am I?


What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?

Your name.

What can you keep after giving to someone?

Your word.

What has a face but no head, hands but no arms?

A clock.

What gets wetter as it dries?

A towel.

What Am I, Riddles

What Am I, Riddles

If you ask me what my favorite kind of riddles are, my answer would be, “What am I riddles.”

These riddles are super fun to crack. They are generally made with lines you think are completely different from the normal.

I like how the lines of these riddles are in sync.

“I have seas without water, coasts without sand, towns without people, and mountains without land. What am I?”

Do you know the answer?

Well, it’s “A map.”

Did you see how obvious the answer was while you started thinking about seas, sands, and mountains?

The following are some of the most confusing What Am I riddles for you. You can show off your riddle knowledge to your friends, and they will be impressed.


I have a heart that doesn’t beat. What am I?

A deck of cards.

I am full of holes but still hold water. What am I?

A sponge.

I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?

A cloud.

I can be swallowed, but I can also swallow you. What am I?

Pride (group) of lions.

I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

A keyboard.

I can travel all around the world without leaving my corner. What am I?

A stamp.

I am alive without breath, and cold as death. I am never thirsty, but always drinking. What am I?

A fish.

I have a thumb and four fingers but am not alive. What am I?

A glove.

I have a neck but no head. I wear a cap but have no hair. What am I?

A bottle.

I am a protector. I sit on a bridge. One person can see right through me, while others wonder what I hide. What am I?


I have keys but can’t open locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

A piano.

I am a word of letters three; add two more, and fewer there will be. What am I?


I have a face that doesn’t frown or smile. I have hands that do not wave. I have no mouth but a familiar sound can still be heard. What am I?

A clock.

I can be seen but never touched. I can be heard but never held. I can be broken yet never dropped. What am I?

A promise.

I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but not go outside. What am I?

A keyboard.

I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul. What am I?

A piano.

I am a fire’s best friend. When the fire goes out, I go out too. What am I?


I have no bones and no legs, but if you keep me warm, I will soon walk away. What am I?

An egg.

I am not alive, but I can grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?


I can be held, but I am never touched. I can be seen but never felt. I can move without wings, and I can leave no trace. What am I?

The wind.

I am something that travels all around the world while staying in one spot. What am I?

A stamp.

I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have rivers, but no water. What am I?

A map.


Riddles are a fun way to make the most of your time with your nearest and dearest ones. You think together, come up with answers, and then laugh together when someone gives a wrong answer.

What better way to be close to your favorite people?

So, did you enjoy the confusing riddles that I have listed above? Were you able to solve them all?

Let me know in the comments!

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