
21 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Sleep

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21 weeks pregnant is an exciting time. You are feeling the baby kick, they are growing and you might be getting a little uncomfortable. See what is happening in week 21. 

21 Weeks Pregnant

At 21 weeks pregnant you are bound to be feeling lots of pokes, kicks, and punches. These are probably becoming stronger week after week. 

You probably are getting used to a lot of movement at parts of the day and then some calmer times. 

The calmer times are usually while the baby is sleeping. For the most part, your baby will follow this same pattern for the first few days after they are born. 

21 weeks pregnant woman with flowers

How Big Is Baby at 21 Weeks Pregnant?

At 21 weeks pregnant your baby is as big as a head of endive. Measuring at 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces your baby is continuing to grow. 

How Is My 21 Week Fetus Developing?

I am sure that you are feeling all the twists and turns that your little 21 week fetus is doing. 

Did you know your baby is finally becoming proportionate? Neurons are now connecting the brain and muscles. And bones are forming from cartilage. 

When you don’t feel your baby moving that just means they are sleeping. Yes, your little fetus sleeps just like a newborn. So, it is okay to not feel them moving 24/7. 

 Your baby is also working on their reproductive system. If you are having a girl she has all her eggs in her womb, 6 million to be exact.

If you are having a boy his testes are in his abdomen but will drop soon once the scrotum has developed completely.

This week your baby is getting some taste buds too. Yep, that’s right they are starting to taste what you eat. You see the amniotic fluid tastes different each day based on what you eat. So as your baby swallows amniotic fluid it is for nutrition as well as hydration it is tasting a little bit of what you are having. How cool is that?

So if you want an asparagus lover, better start eating them now. 

21 Weeks Pregnant Belly

Your 21 week pregnant belly is starting to really show. For some women, they look down and no longer see their feet because their 21 week pregnant bump is in the way. This was so me!

On average by now you have gained around 13 pounds. Of course, this is an average where some have gained more and some have gained less. 

If you are concerned with your weight be sure to consult your doctor. 

Your cute little 21 week baby bump is probably getting a lot of attention when you are out and about. There is something about a pregnant woman that people are drawn to. 

Embrace the fact that people are opening doors for you, trying to help you do things, and wanting to know how far along you are. 

21 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

As we continue in the 2nd trimester we continue to see many of the same pregnancy symptoms which we have been seeing. These include

  • Stretch marks 
  • Heartburn and/or indigestion 
  • Increased fetal movement 
  • Backaches 
  • Dry skin
  • Leaky boobs 
  • Gum sensitivity and bleeding 
  • Gas and bloating 
  • Increased appetite 
  • Leg cramps 

Along with these, we start to see a new one which are Braxton hicks contractions. 

Braxton Hicks Contractions

Braxton hicks contractions can throw you off a bit, especially when you are 21 weeks pregnant. This is basically when your uterus tightens and then releases. Braxton hicks contractions are needed to help your body prepare to go into labor. 

Braxton Hicks contractions are totally normal and safe as long as they go away. 

If you are experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions try changing positions. This should help stop your contractions. If it does then you are good to go… If they do not go away, then contact your doctor as this could be a sign of preterm labor. 

How Many Months Is 21 Weeks Pregnant?

At 21 weeks pregnant, you are about 4 months and 3 weeks pregnant. At this point, you are more than halfway through your pregnancy. And you are probably starting to feel like it. 

What to Do at 21 Weeks Pregnant?

Sleeping Helps

Sometimes during pregnancy, it is hard to sleep. As your belly grows, you are restricted to one position: lying on your side.

I remember this being so uncomfortable. I would toss from side to side, stick my hands under pillows to prop them up. Then by the time I got comfortable, it would be time to use the bathroom, again…

Some women find a body pillow works well, while others find it too hot, too cumbersome when rolling over. Sweaty knees are not the only reason to keep a pillow between your legs.

Keeping your top leg elevated with a pillow between your knees will help ease the strain on your back as you sleep and make it less likely you’ll awake with aches and pains. 

No matter how you decide to sleep be sure to not lay on your back. 

The weight of your uterus is so heavy now that lying on your back can place pressure on blood vessels and restrict blood flow. 

Gender Reveal Party

Have you planned your gender reveal party yet to announce if it is a boy or a girl? So many people are having the cutest parties with great ideas on Pinterest you are sure to find the perfect gender reveal idea that fits your family. 

Premature Babies

When we start feeling those Braxton Hicks contractions is about the time we start worrying about premature deliveries. 

Did you know that a baby survived at 12 weeks and 5 days? You can read about that and more NICU-related premature baby facts over here.

I know it is stressful to think about, what if I deliver early… Just try to relax. This is why you go to monthly doctor’s appointments so they can track your baby. 

How are you combating your 21 week pregnant sleeping troubles? Share with others in the comments!

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1 Week Pregnant14 Weeks Pregnant27 Weeks Pregnant
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First Trimester SymptomsSecond Trimester SymptomsThird Trimester Symptoms

Our pregnancy calendar is researched & written by our Pregnancy Editor, Dara Duff-Bergeron. Although she rocks, she is not a health care professional. It’s just for entertainment purposes and any recommendations or information provided should not be used as a substitute for the real deal – a trained medical professional.

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