
25 Weeks Pregnant: Everything You Need to Know

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25 weeks pregnant brings lots of fun things with your 25 week fetus developing and your body is changing and growing. See what is happening this week!

25 Weeks Pregnant

Congrats you are 25 weeks pregnant! For some pregnant women, you might think that your pregnancy is flying by, for others you might be counting down the days when you finally get to see your cute bundle of joy and not be pregnant anymore.

Either way, before you know it you will soon be loving on a cute little baby. 

25 weeks pregnant man kissing wife belly

How Big Is Baby at 25 Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby now recognizes familiar sounds and voices and they may begin to move when you are talking. 

How Is My 25 Week Fetus Developing?

At 25 weeks pregnant your little 25 week fetus is still on the move.

In fact, if you lay very still you might be able to stare at your stomach and watch your baby move around. If you can’t yet, you will be able to soon enough. 

You little baby is starting to really gain some weight. Every day they are adding more fat on their body. This is helping them become less wrinkly and looking more like a cute little baby. 

This week the cortex is also forming layers. As well as the nervous system continuing to develop. 

It is especially important to continue to take your prenatal vitamins because your baby needs all these extra nutrients for their development. 

25 Weeks Pregnant Belly

Your 25 weeks pregnant belly is nearing the end of the 2nd trimester.

As your belly continues to grow in size, you may find that your center of gravity is off and you are finding it hard to balance. 

This puts you at a greater risk for tripping and falling so keep that in mind when you are up and moving and mindful of the activities you are doing. 

By week 25 you probably have gained anywhere from 15-18 pounds. We have to remember this is an average. If you are eating right and doing pregnancy approved exercises don’t sweat a few more pounds. 

I remember I would be so frustrated when I would go to the doctor and I should have gained 4 pounds according to the average and I would gain 6 to 8 sometimes.

I was eating right and walking and I was still gaining more.

Everyone’s body reacts to pregnancy differently. If you are concerned about your weight gain, discuss it with your doctor. 

25 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Darkening Nipples

Darkening nipples are a symptom of being 25 weeks pregnant. As your hormones prepare your breast to feed the baby you will notice the areola will start to darken. This is totally normal so don’t worry if they become darker. 

Your areola will stay this dark throughout the rest of your pregnancy and while you are nursing.


Oh if you have hemorrhoids while you are 25 weeks pregnant I can totally sympathize with you that these are so painful at times. 

Hemorrhoids are basically caused by swollen varicose anal veins. 

They are definitely common in the second half of most pregnancies, but the severity of them is different for all women. 

They are caused because there is so much pressure on your digestive tract and if you are constipated that is not helping either. 

If you are struggling with constipation drink your “P juices” to hopefully help with that and that can help with swelling in the future and more discomfort. 

25 Weeks Pregnant No Symptoms

There are some pregnant women out there that at 25 weeks pregnant and have no symptoms. If you are one of these lucky women relish in the fact that you have a symptom free pregnancy. 

But don’t worry. You are just fine and so is your baby as long as you continue to feel your baby move. 

How Many Months Is 25 Weeks Pregnant?

At 25 weeks pregnant you are still in your 6th month of pregnancy.

What to Do at 25 Weeks Pregnant?

Pre Register at the Hospital

By now you should know what hospital you are delivering at, and now is a great time to pre-register for your delivery. You will want to take advantage of this to make sure when you go into labor you aren’t trying to fill out paperwork in between contractions. 

Basically to pre-register go to your delivery hospital, go to admissions or registration and tell them you want to pre-register for your delivery. 

You will need to fill out a bunch of paperwork, but this saves you from having to do it while in labor. 

Trust me. It is worth a special trip to the hospital to get this done ahead of time. 

Baby Registry

While you are registering, you might as well head to your local baby stores to register for all the things you need for your baby. 

This is an exciting time picking out all kinds of things that you love. 

It is recommended that you don’t register for clothes now because they usually won’t be there by the time people go shopping off your registry and most people don’t buy clothes off your registry either…

They like to pick them out for you… Lucky you! Can you say Texas Size Bows if you are having a girl?

You can also register on Amazon to make your life even more simple.

Shop Smart

Since we are talking about making life simple, why not shop smart! Now is the time to start simplifying your life. 

One way to do this is to take advantage of subscription boxes that automatically send you monthly supplies like cleaning and trash bags.

Another way to shop smart is online grocery pick up or even delivery. Both of these services are pretty much available in all areas by now and are an absolute lifesaver, especially with newborns. 

So start shopping smart now so that you are in a good routine by the time your baby arrives. 

What have you loved so far in your pregnancy? Share in the comments!

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1 Week Pregnant14 Weeks Pregnant27 Weeks Pregnant
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First Trimester SymptomsSecond Trimester SymptomsThird Trimester Symptoms

Our pregnancy calendar is researched & written by our Pregnancy Editor, Dara Duff-Bergeron. Although she rocks, she is not a health care professional. It’s just for entertainment purposes and any recommendations or information provided should not be used as a substitute for the real deal – a trained medical professional.

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