At 27 weeks pregnant you are feeling all the feels of being pregnant and your 27 weeks fetus is changing too! See what’s happening this week!
27 Weeks Pregnant
You have made it to 27 weeks pregnant! This is the last week of the 2nd trimester. How is it going so fast?
You are almost ⅔ of the way through your pregnancy.
How Big Is Baby at 27 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby at 27 weeks pregnant is the size of a cabbage and is 14 inches long.
How Is My 27 Week Fetus Developing?
Your 27 week fetus is developing a lot this week. Your sweet baby is starting to smile. They love to do this while they are sleeping.
Not only that but after your fetus’ eyes being fused closed for months, your baby can now open their eyelids again. Your baby can officially see everything around them.
Along with this, your baby continues to move and kick and punch. This is helping strengthen your 27 week fetus’ muscles.
Your baby is continuing to become familiar with your voice as well as voices you are always around, so continue to talk with your baby.
Your 27 week fetus’ lungs are still getting stronger.
Some women start to wonder if their baby is head down and ready for delivery. At this point, your baby can still move in your uterus all the way up til your pregnancy. So at this point, the baby position is not as important as it will be in the coming weeks.
27 Weeks Pregnant Belly
Are you feeling constant kicks in your belly?
You baby likely has the hiccups. As your baby’s lungs continue to develop this week it is more common for hiccups to happen. So don’t panic if you feel this.
At 27 weeks pregnant you should have gained between 15 and 30 pounds by now. If you are gaining weight quickly talk with your doctor and see if she has some tips to slow down your weight gain.
Of course, everyone gains weight differently so talk with your doctor to see what they recommend.
27 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Itchy Belly
Itchy belly is a real thing by the time you are 27 weeks pregnant. The more your skin stretches out the drier it gets causing it to become super itchy.
As tempting as this may seem, try not to scratch it. When you scratch it causes more irritation.
Rubbing moisturizing lotion on your belly will help the urge to scratch. Make sure it’s fragrance-free because you may be applying it often.
Try taking an oatmeal bath because it helps with the dry skin but don’t have too hot of water because hot water causes dry skin.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless Leg Syndrome can happen when you are lying down or just sitting and most common in the last trimester of pregnancy.
The typical stretches and exercises to help with cramps don’t tend to help ease the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome.
There are lots of causes for Restless Leg Syndrome which are all factors of being pregnant like lack of sleep, low iron, stress and pressure on nerves.
If you are experiencing restless legs at night or just while sitting try a warm heating pad on your legs and call your doctor and discuss your iron levels.
Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy
Round ligament pain is common in pregnancy. This is abdominal pain that is sharp and sudden. This is because as the uterus shifts positions it applies pressure on the round ligaments.
Any kind of abdominal pain can cause you to worry. However, these pains aren’t constant and frequent sudden pains that come and go and always seem to be at the most inconvenient time.
If you have a pain you aren’t sure about and the pain seems to be sticking around, call your doctor and discuss this with them.
When it comes to easing the pain with round ligament pain try taking a warm bath and relax for a while. Also if you are on your feet all day make time to sit for a bit and allow your body to recharge.
How Many Months Is 27 Weeks Pregnant?
5 months and 4 weeks pregnant
What to Do at 27 Weeks Pregnant?
Birth Plan
By now your OB probably has asked you about your birth plan and to have it written down. It is best to have this completed by your 36th week of pregnancy, but starting now will be to your advantage.
What is a Birth Plan?
Birth plans are a good way for your doctor to know what kind of assistance you would like while giving birth and after the baby is born.
Before you make a plan you likely need to know what there is to plan.
Talk to other moms about what they liked and didn’t like about their deliveries.
Remember everyone is different and your just researching and don’t have to do as they choose.
Most all birth plans will have where you want your baby to be delivered. Who you want in the delivery room with you.
What pain meds you wish to take if any. If you want any birthing aids or certain birthing positions used.
Just a word of advice you can plan to have soft music playing while delivering and dimmed lights but just sometimes plans get changed and your baby has other plans.
Trust your doctors and know they are doing everything to keep you and the baby healthy.
Just remember that your birth plan is your best-case scenario, and you can change it even while you are in labor. If you say you don’t want pain medications you can, of course, get them during delivery if you change your mind.
Babymoon anyone? Now is the time to start planning a babymoon if you are planning on going one.
A babymoon is basically a trip you take with your spouse prior to your baby being born. This could be a weekend trip to a bed and breakfast or a week-long trip to Disneyland.
Whatever it is, it is basically time to spend with your spouse.
What is one pregnancy symptom that you are ready to go away? Share in the comments!
Our pregnancy calendar is researched & written by our Pregnancy Editor, Dara Duff-Bergeron. Although she rocks, she is not a health care professional. It’s just for entertainment purposes and any recommendations or information provided should not be used as a substitute for the real deal – a trained medical professional.
I’ve only gained 7lbs
I think it’s awesome that you guys actually post a REALISTIC weight gain for this point in your pregnancy, because my doctor and other sights expect me to only gain 25 pounds in all, but i’ve definitely already passed that at this point. That’s ideal, but so unrealistic.