In case you haven’t figured it out from our riddle post (we share 120 riddle and brain teasers to try as a family), we love a good riddle. Brain teasers can also take the form of a puzzle too and recently I had fun stumping my family with this T Time puzzle.
Mosaic Pumpkin Colouring Activity
Colouring seems to be the topic of conversation these days. It’s a great developmental tool for kids, a tool they love, and I’m sure you’ve read about the benefits of adults getting in on the colouring act. Halloween is the perfect time to work on a colouring project together, like this Mosaic Pumpkin.
51 Remembrance Day Poppy Craft Ideas
Remembrance Day isn’t one of those big holidays that the kids get excited about but that doesn’t mean it’s not important and worth drawing attention to the day. Our visit to Pearl Harbor a few years ago brought a better understanding to my kids why remembering is important. I know I shared a few poppy crafts before but I felt this was a holiday worthy of a longer 51 Craft Ideas list. Plus I even share a two crafts we did at home.
51 Recycling Craft Ideas
From holiday decorations and gift ideas for the grandparents, to exploring a child’s creativity and expanding on a topic of interest, crafts offer kids so many possibilities. They can also take a lot of material. We’ve collected 51 craft ideas using recycled materials. So go ahead, raid that recycle bin and get creative.