Confession Time: Parents Reading Middle Grade

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The start of a new video series, I confess a few things that are on my mind. No surprise I read a fair amount of middle grade books to review in our kids book section. But even if I wasn’t a reviewer I still would read these books and think there should be more parents reading middle grade books too.


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We reach picture books to our kids when they are young. We may even read young adult books borrowed from our teen completely for our own entertainment. Middle grade books should be on our reading list too, especially if you have a tween in your home. Think I’m biased due to my book review mindset? Well below are a few posts that agree with my thinking:

5 Posts that Support Parents Reading Middle Grade Books

The Therapeutic Effects of Reading Middle Grade Fiction as an Adult

(Book Riot) “Where adulthood is so complicated and resolutions can often be hard to come by, whether in fiction or in life, the knowledge that you’re a hop, skip, and a jump away from the gentle end is a rare commodity and an invigorating change of pace.”

Parenting Tips I Learned From Reading Middle-Grade Literature (From the Mixed-Up Files…) “But the more I read them, the more I realize there is a wealth of knowledge for parents in those stories, too.”

The Surprising Thing I Learned About Parenting From This Middle-Grade Book (Parents) “I often read children’s literature in the hopes it will make me a better fiction writer, but I never thought reading a middle-grade book would make me a better parent.”

Should You Read Middle Grade Books? A Flowchart (Book Riot) “Should you be reading middle grade books? What if you’re not between the ages of eight and twelve? Check out this flowchart to see.”

Why Reading Aloud to Older Children Is Valuable (MindShift) “Reading aloud to older children — even up to age 14, who can comfortably read to themselves — has benefits both academic and emotional…” (Note though the article is more about reading to your kids as tweens, the assumed idea is that parents/teachers are reading middle grade books to them).

Do you have a favourite middle grade book from your childhood? Have you enjoyed any great books for tweens on your own or with your kids? You can see our list of middle grade books here. Confession is good for the soul.

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