
Staged for Living: Take Another Look

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Recently, I’ve made the choice to make loving our home a priority.  My first step is to plan.  What do we have, we do love, what needs to go? When it comes to decor items, over the years, I’ve only purchased one item that I absolutely love.

This rug. (Like my toe?)


Other than that, everything has been hand-me-downs and thrift store items to simply fill the space. I’ve never had a “plan” and everything was always just thrown together.

Now, here we are with a home full of mis-matched clutter that is driving me mad. But. If I stop to look at each item in a new light, I might be able to do something with some of these retro hand-me downs and thrifty treasures. Because a lot of our furniture was given to us from our parents and grandparents, I’m hoping to turn our home into “mid-century marvelous”!

I’m on the hunt for mid-century mirrors like this:


Or this.


And bullet planters like this:


Art is a challenge for me. My mom is a water colour painter and she loves to give us her works of flowers and landscapes. Thanks for the thought, Mom, but it’s really not “me”.  Again, we’ve just been collecting and not creating. I want to find art that is more modern, colourful, wild and wonderful. Like this.  (Don’t you love everything about this room?  The rug?  The colours?  The lamp?  Swoon.)



And this.


In terms of furniture, we have a few pieces we are working with. Remember these console record players?

mid-century record console
Flickr: Creative Commons: Epiclectic

We have one. In our basement. Hiding in our messy room. (More on this room in my next post.) Time to bring that baby out of the shadows! I just need to figure out a plan. Maybe something like this:



In the end, I’m aiming for a simple, eclectic home with a few small touches that speak to me. The wonderful thing about mid-century décor is that you can get away with mix-and-match. My plan is to spend as little as possible and purchase any items second-hand. If you have any tips for mid-century decorating, I’d love to hear them and wish me luck!

Next up?  What better way to freshen up your space than a crisp coat of paint?  We call my husband “Handy Andy”, but vaulted ceilings left me searching for someone else to climb ladders.  We’ve partnered with 1-888-WOW-1DAY! Painting to get the job done quickly and professionally.  One day?  I’m in.  Choosing colours was a bit of a gong show, but we’ll show you how we did it and how the crew at 1-888-WOW-1DAY! Painting got in and out in 4 hours flat. 


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