
Bringing Instagram to Our Wall

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My smart phone keeps me connected but it also enables me to capture a moment in time and share it. Instagram is my new photo album, enabling me to share travel experiences and everyday family silliness. Now I’ve found a way to bring those moments out into the real world (and surprise my husband).

You’re probably familiar with Posterjack.ca, the site that takes your digital photos and turns them into works of art. I know we’ve seen blog posts from fellow bloggers like Nugglemama’s Handfulsharing a photograph from one of her husband’s flowers he had been working on for years on a Photo on Acrylic piece or Frugal Mom Eh’s Gallery Wrapped Canvas of her daughter, looking almost like a painted portrait. Posterjack.ca is great for sharing those special images and adding to your family photo gallery but what I like about the service is the collage option, one that doesn’t get much play on their website.

I was able to import a number of Instagram photos into Posterjack.ca and then place them one-by-one myself within the image space or have the program randomly add them. The collage feature has predetermined slots within the image space. This saves you from lining everything up and you can choose the number of images you want within your collage.

posterjack collage

Then the creative part begins.

If you take the Layout Mode off (once all your images are added) you can now freely change the shape of images. I love the idea that collages consist of different images sizes versus just one standard image across the page. This gave me the freedom to highlight some special images by making them bigger. It does mean you loose some image space but I though the end result was worth it.

posterjack collage2

You can also add text to your image. I just removed a photo from the collage and made that a spot for copy. You can even adjust the font and size for each word used, even each letter if you wish. The only issue I had with the type tool was that the placement and sizing is done by eye so you might get some fonts looking slightly different in size. A standard font size option would have been great but I’m happen with how things turned out.

posterjack collage final

You can use the collage option with any of Posterjack.ca’s materials, such as posters, metal prints, peel and stick, etc. I ordered the Canvas Print and I can’t wait to show my husband when it arrives. With his crazy work schedule he doesn’t get to spend as much time with the kids as he would like. I think this Canvas Print Collage on his office wall will at least make him smile as he remembers some of the great holiday moments we’ve shared and thinks about the adventures we have yet to encounter.

You can use Posterjack.ca as a guest but registering an account means you can access your order details after you’re done. PosterJack made registration easy and brought it up after the fact so as to not deter me when creating my image. I can see all sorts of great ideas for future printed pieces from our digital images.

Thanks to Posterjack.ca for giving me the chance to try their service (store credit was provided). 

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