
What is Diastasis Recti? And How to Treat it at Home

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Do you think you are dealing with Diastasis Recti? Here are all the best tips to understand and treat those uncomfortable Diastasis Recti symptoms

What is Diastasis Recti and How to Treat it

Is it just me or after birth do you always hope that your belly will magically be gone as soon as you see your little one’s face? 

Diastasis Recti

Our bodies are so amazing, but carrying and delivering a baby will be sure to leave a mark! It takes some time for our stomachs to return to their former glory. If time has passed and you feel like your stomach won’t go away, you might be dealing with Diastasis Recti.  

What is Diastasis Recti? 

So what exactly is Diastasis Recti? It’s when the tissues that hold your abdomen muscles together separate down the center or your torso creating a large gap. It’s most commonly seen in pregnant women.

It makes sense that this happens during pregnancy to make room for that cute baby. But the gap should naturally come back together as your body regains its strength. For some moms, though, the gap sticks around, leaving a lasting little belly bump. 

Do you still have this gap after 8 weeks post delivery? If the answer is yes, it may be time to check to see if you have Diastasis Recti! The good news is there are lots of easy Diastasis Recti treatments you can do right at home. 

How to Tell if I Have Diastasis Recti

There is a simple test that you can do at home to see if you have Diastasis Recti.

While lying on your back with your knees bent, lift up your head to create tension in your abdomen. Use your fingers to press into the center of your abdomen muscles. Move them from the top of your belly to the bottom. 

Diastasis Recti

If you feel a large gap with several fingers that can go way down into your belly, you likely are dealing with Diastasis Recti. 

Keep in mind, though, you should always seek the advice of your doctor to confirm before trying any treatments. 

It’s also been known that Diastasis Recti tends to be more likely for moms who have multiples, moms who are more petite, or moms who have previously had Diastasis Recti. 

Diastasis Recti Symptoms

The most noticeable symptom is the protruding belly that won’t seem to shrink no matter how much you try. But there are several other symptoms that you can look out for. 

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti can cause back pain resulting from the poor posture likely to happen with this separation in your abdomen. 

You may also be dealing with constipation, bloating, or other stomach issues due to the increased pressure on the organs in your belly. 

It, unfortunately, does have some severe cases where moms may deal with more permanent pelvic floor issues, back and hip pain, or other uncomfortable Diastasis Recti Symptoms. 

How to Fix Diastasis Recti

Knowing how to fix Diastasis Recti really depends on the severity. In more intense cases, surgery or physical therapy may be necessary. But in most cases, there are things you can do right at home to help ease your symptoms and close the gap.

The best thing you can do is to try to prevent Diastasis Recti symptoms from lingering by making sure to stay active and strengthen your core during your pregnancy. 

Diastasis Recti

But if you do end up with Diastasis Recti, start by taking it easy and being patient. It won’t heal overnight, and it’s very possible to make it worse by working out your body too hard. 

You can try rolling out of bed carefully, avoiding lifting heavy objects, and remembering to stay balanced during your daily routines. The best thing, though, is to try some Diastasis Recti exercises.

Diastasis Recti Exercises

Using Diastasis Recti Exercises is the best way to combat those symptoms because strengthening your core will tighten those tissues and seal up that gap! 

Be careful as you do exercises, and make sure you talk to your doctor before starting any workout routine to make sure that your body is ready and that the routine will help and not hurt your Diastasis Recti. 

When choosing Diastasis Recti Exercises, focus on things that can help your body relax and strengthen your body without working out too aggressively. Even some simple pelvic floor exercises can be so helpful for healing Diastasis Recti!

One exercise you definitely want to avoid is crunches. It’s our go-to simple workout for moms at home, but unfortunately, it can aggravate Diastasis Recti and may make your symptoms worse. Instead, try incorporating some of these simple exercises into your workout routine:

Try these exercises

  • Breathing: Breathe deeply and focus on using your diaphragm to breathe instead of your chest. You can do this while sitting, standing, or even lying down.
  • Pelvic tilts: While lying on the floor with your knees bent, gently lift your pelvis up and hold for a few seconds, making sure to activate those pelvic floor muscles.
  • Kegels: Kegels aren’t just for during your pregnancy! Keep them going after your baby is born to improve symptoms of Diastasis Recti as well as improving your bladder control.
  • Side plank: Balance on your side using your feet and your forearm for support. Hold the position for 30 seconds, take a break, and try to repeat a few times. For an easier version, use your knees instead of feet for support.
  • Pillow squeezes: Lying on the floor with your legs bent, place a pillow or yoga block between your legs. Use your abdomen muscles to lift your feet and lower back off the floor, squeezing the block as you do. 
  • Heel taps: Lying on the floor with your legs bent, gently lift one leg, and tap your heel back on the floor, alternating back and forth between legs.
  • Leg lifts: While laying on the floor with legs flat, keeping your legs straight, raise them to a 45-degree angle and slowly lower than back down. 
  • Hip extensions: While on your hands and knees, raise legs one at a time backward or to the side, using your core muscles to help you balance.
  • Heel Slides: Lay on your back with your legs bent and slowly slide each heel down so your leg is straight, alternating between your legs. 
  • Yoga poses: Many yoga poses focused on balance can gently help strengthen your core. Try holding the tree pose for a few minutes or as long as you are able. 
Diastasis Recti
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I hope these exercises can bring you some relief from your Diastasis Recti symptoms! Be sure to talk to your doctor if you ever have any concerns. Share other treatments that have helped you in the comments!

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