
50 Absolute Concrete Signs He is Making Love to You

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You meet someone. You like them. You spend time with them. You get intimate. But how do you know if you’re both on the same page? How can you tell if he’s making love to you — or just in it for the sex? 

The truth is, there is a fine line between having sex and making love. Sure, both entail pleasure, but the motivations and feelings (or lack of them) behind each one are vastly different. And it can be quite tricky to figure out which is which.

Maybe you’re slowly growing to like them despite having told yourself you wouldn’t let your heart fall so easily for someone new, and now you’re wondering whether they return your feelings or if it’s just physical for them.

The wait and the anxiety can truly be torturous. After all, no one wants to have their hearts stomped on while the other person has kept all feelings at bay.

The sole purpose of just having sex is to feel pleasure and satisfy physical desires. Making love is on a whole different plane altogether. It’s not just about scratching that itch, so to speak, but about feelings and emotions and connection. Sex is something you can experience with anyone. But making love is something you can only experience with someone you feel emotionally connected to.

Yes, it may be a challenge to fully understand whether your partner is all about making love to you or if he’s just there to fulfill his needs. We’re here to help guide you! Our list of signs he is making love to you will help you figure out what exactly is going on between you two. With our list of absolute concrete signs he is making love to you, you can identify the subtle signs and determine if what you are experiencing with him is lovemaking or just intercourse. 

Read on to know the signs he is making love to you so you can find out if he’s in it for the long haul and worth your time — or if you’re just a notch in his belt. You’d be better off elsewhere if intimacy and connection is what you seek.

Concrete Signs He is Making Love to You

Concrete Signs He is Making Love to You

Is it just sex, or can it be something more? Let our list of signs he is making love to you help you identify the telltale signals!

1. He Makes Foreplay a Top Priority

When it comes to the act of making love, foreplay most definitely plays a big role. Foreplay may not be as big of a deal for men, but the presence of foreplay is significant for women. If your man takes his sweet time on foreplay and makes sure he is pleasuring you best as he can, and even includes oral sex, then it reflects how much he cares about you and your feelings. He’ll patiently wait until you are in the mood and help you get there!

However, if a guy is just there for the sex, then he would pay very little attention to foreplay — or even none at all. Lovemaking, unlike sex, should involve sensual acts and gestures that will make you both desire each other more and more before you both get down to doing the actual deed.

2. He Will Get Synchronized to Your Body Language

He will get Synchronized to your Body Language

Being observant of your ‘language’ while being intimate with you shows that he respects your body and he respects you. It means that he sees you as a valuable person. Communicating with each other during sex need not necessarily be verbal all the time. If your man is truly into you, he will observe your physical cues and attune to your body language. He will note your body queues and your response to his physical touch.

But if he is just all about sex, then he may not pay so much attention to your eyes, body, face, nor how you breathe or move during intimate moments. Remember that acting like this can also mean that he may feel some nerves about being with you if it’s the first time for you together.

3. He Will be Whispering Sweet Words in Your Ear

He will be Whispering Sweet words in your Ear

One of the quieter signs, literally, that he is making love to you is when you catch him whispering sweet things to you. But though quiet and under-the-radar, it’s actually an indication of how connected he feels towards you. Of course, it takes a certain level of connection to have a man whisper sweet nothings in your ear, whether during intimate moments or otherwise. And it is an indication that he is making love to you and not just there for the sex.

Not all men do this, but it adds more intimacy and spice if he gently compliments you as you are lovemaking. Of course, a relatively similar thing occurs during explicit sex. Still, the main difference is that the words he would be saying to you would probably be more vulgar and even border on offensive.

4. There Will be Good Conversations

After making love to each other, there is good communication between the couple that had just been intimately together. These conversations that happen post-lovemaking may be deeper and more vulnerable because you two have shared the experience, and walls may have been dropped. You may find that you and your man talk about personal and intimate things about your lives and feelings.

If all that happened was just sex, either there are no real conversations, or you face in opposite directions in bed, or you feel a lack of interest in each other’s affairs. Or you may talk, but it will just be about how the sex was and if you want to keep doing it. There is no deep connection or bond to be felt.

5. Eye Contact Will be More Prevalent Between The Two of You

Eye Contact will be More prevalent Between the two of you

One key difference between making love and just having sex is the presence of eye contact or lack thereof. When the guy is just having sex with you, there’s a big chance he may not even bother to look into your eyes and establish any form of eye contact.

When your man is making love to you, he will stare into your eyes, and there will be moments when your eyes will lock into each other. The eyes are the window to the soul, as they say, and making eye contact is one of those moments that you can both express, non-verbally, what you feel for each other. And this is why eye contact is a major indicator that he is making love to you. Do keep in mind, however, if he’s not making eye contact and is rather stealing glances at you, then it could just mean that he is feeling shy.

6. He Will Always Have Respect For Your Mood And Your Boundaries

He will always have Respect for your Mood and your Boundaries

A man who desires to make love to you will focus on your mood. He will be sensitive to whether you are happy, sad, or grumpy so that he can be sure when the time is right for a little bedroom action with you. He won’t mind if he has to wait. He will do whatever you need until you are okay and ready to be intimate with him.

Lovemaking is about being aware not just of your moods but also of your boundaries. A man who makes love to you respects your boundaries, knowing that he too, like you, has boundaries that he would love to have acknowledged as well. Unlike just sex, lovemaking is a shared experience that blends and merges different feelings.

7. He Will be Very Dedicated to Having Good Personal Hygiene

Women love it when people, things, or places smell good. One indicator that a man respects you as a woman and takes the extra step to make you feel comfortable is when he always tries his best to smell good and look good. When he takes the time to always be well-groomed for you, then you know that he’s not just after the sex.

But if he is just about the sex, then he may not even bother at all about what you think about his bad breath or un-groomed facial hair or smelly armpits. After all, he’s just aiming to have his needs satisfied and then move on. So he probably won’t even consider how his lack of personal hygiene may make you feel.

8. He Will be Sure to Make Room to Try Out New Things

He will be sure to make Room to try out New Things

When your man is making love to you, you will find that he is open to trying out new things or different sex positions with you to experience more enjoyment and pleasure with him. He will observe your facial expressions and reactions to his sensual acts and gestures. And he will, for sure, not mind at all if you initiate a new thing in your sexual encounters.

If he’s having sex with you, then it may just be a ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’ kind of deal, where he pounds on you and have it his way without really caring about how you feel and if you find pleasure in his execution. He may not even be bothered to try anything new and will stick to what he knows as long as he gets off on it. It means that there will hardly be any room for experimentation or exploration.

9. He Will Always Give You Compliments

A man who is all about making love to you will always give you compliments, whether inside the bedroom out in the real world. He’ll find ways to compliment your style, your smile, how you relate with others, how you deal with things. He’ll constantly establish eye contact with you and show you how much he appreciates everything you do.

If the guy is just in it for the sex, on the other hand, he will only flatter you or objectify your features and body for his benefit. Nice words for him are just a means to his selfish end. He will not have time or make time to give you compliments — just butter you up enough so you’ll feel good, and he can have his way with you in the sack.

10. Lovemaking Will Reveal His Affection For You

Lovemaking will Reveal his Affection for you

Not all men find it easy to express themselves verbally. There are quite a few men who struggle with expressing how they feel. But when they are making love, the affection or feelings they are too shy to show or keep close to their chest will pour out freely. They will be more open with their emotions, which is beautiful. Men become more vulnerable and more open with feelings when lovemaking, which leads to a wonderful experience for you both.

When it’s sex and just sex, though, affection doesn’t have much of a presence. There’s no real affection there, and if there seems to be, it is just from the temporary pleasure shared at the moment by two people. So if you are getting sexual with your man and he shows you affection, it’s a good sign that he is engaging in lovemaking with you.

Bonus Read: How to Rekindle Intimacy and Strengthen Your Marriage After Kids

11. You Will Feel His Efforts to Make Sure You Are Satisfied

When you notice your man asking you for your likes, dislikes, preferences, and even your secret fantasies and desires when you are being intimate together, that is one of the clear signs he is making love to you. He will pay attention to how you respond and react to ensure that you are on the same page as him. Then, he will keep going until he knows that he has successfully satisfied you.

Suppose what you have is purely sexual, and there is no emotional involvement. In that case, his efforts are motivated toward satisfying himself. That is a crystal clear sign that what he’s there for is just the physical side of it all.

12. He Will Make Sure That You Are Feeling Okay

He will make Sure that you are Feeling okay

Do you find that your man ensures that you are okay both during and after being intimate with you? If your answer is yes, then it’s one of the strongest signs he is making love to you. A man who makes love will try his best for your comfort during sexual intimacy with him.

Being intimate together is most beautiful and fun when you are free of inhibitions. You feel comfortable and ready to let go of your walls to be as open as you can be to your man at the moment. And if your man is doing all he can for you to feel that way with him in bed, what you and he are doing is making love.

13. He Will Want to Stay The Night

When a guy is making love to you, it’s a sign of his deeper feelings for you. It’s a way to express that he loves you beyond the physical and superficial. And so, a man who is making love to you will choose to stay the night after you engage in intimacy. He will want to have you near him, post-coitus and beyond.

Having him stay the night means that you and he get to spend more quality time with each other. It doesn’t automatically mean getting intimate again, but just being together, doing other things, or just talking and cuddling.

14. He Will Keep in Touch With You After Doing The Deed With You

He will keep in Touch with you after Doing the Deed with you

If your man is all about making love to you, then you will find that he will keep in touch with you outside of the bedroom. He will send you romantic, respectful, and loving messages before and after getting intimate with you. He will see how you are doing and seek to know if all is well with you. And even come by, to see you.

But if the guy is all about sex, then everything mentioned above will not be happening. He won’t call you after, and he won’t check to see if you’re okay. Instead, he’ll reach out when he feels the need to have his sexual urges satisfied. His family or close circle may not even be aware of you, and you will probably not be seen together in public. It’s just going to be about meeting up to hook up.

15. He Will Ensure That You Are Calm

Getting intimate with someone entails a certain level of letting someone get close to you, so, understandably, some women feel anxiety when it comes to sex, particularly if it is their first time or their first time with the man, or if they have no idea what to expect or what they are about to get into. If your man wants to make love, he will take the time to make you feel calm and safe and ease your anxieties.

On the other end of the spectrum, if a man is solely there for the sex, he will just be annoyed at all the s-called emotional baggage. He may get irritable or lose patience, or go off and leave you alone because he can’t be bothered to tend to your feelings. Sex is sex to him, and if your anxieties prevent him from getting what he wants, then he’ll probably turn his back on you and walk away.

16. He Will Create an Environment of Romance For You

create an Environment of Romance for you

A man who goes the extra mile to set the mood for you is a man who is looking to make love to you. Think candlelight, an alluring fragrance, subtle music in the background… If your man makes that much effort for you, it’s a sign that he wants to make sweet love to you.

Indeed, a guy who wants to have sex can also sometimes do many of these things to get you in bed. But there’s a limit, and most guys won’t want to go that far for someone he wants to bang. It’s fairly simple: For most men, the woman they love is the one worth going the extra mile for.

Also Read: To Revive The Romance, Start With You

17. You Will Both be Happy

When something in your life goes right or feels right, you feel happy. The same goes for intimacy between two people. When your intimate moments are lovemaking, and both of you feel the connection, you too feel happy afterward. You bask in the happy glow together, and you want to converse more with each other or cuddle in each other’s arms – anything to stay connected.

As we’ve touched on several times above, sex is not about emotions or any of that. Some guys go so far as to say it’s purely sensual, and that’s all it is. It will just be about the intercourse, and you will both feel that. There is a distinct lack of bond or connection, and rather than feel happy, you may feel empty. He may feel satisfied but ultimately still empty too.

18. He Will Treat You Right Outside of Intimate Moments

He will Treat you right outside of Intimate Moments

Treating you right while getting intimate is one of the signs he loves you. Treating you right even outside of intimate moments is another clear sign. A man who is all about making love to you will always aim to treat you well, have a great time with you no matter what you’re doing, and make himself emotionally available. He’ll set up little dates and do sweet things for you and mind his tone and words when he’s talking to you.

If it’s just about sex, however, oh, you can forget about being treated well outside of the sack. Most of your talks will revolve around sex and have very little regard for your emotions or interests, or not at all. That is a definite indicator that this guy is just looking to have sex.

19. He Will Make You Feel Good About Your Body

Everyone has their share of insecurities. However, most women feel insecure about how they look or about their bodies at one point or another. It could be a facial feature, skin tone, body shape. Whatever it is, if your man makes you feel good about yourself and your body, it is one of the major signs he is making love to you.

A guy who has sex on the brain will objectify you, sometimes make ugly or nasty comments about your body, wave what he perceives to be your flaws in your face, and can even make offensive statements if a part of your body affects his enjoyment or pleasure while doing it with you.

20. You Will Both Find Yourselves Looking Forward to “Next Time.”

You will Both find Yourselves Looking Forward to Next Time.

Among the biggest signs, he is making love to you is when you and he both enjoy getting intimate with each other and are looking forward to being with each other again shortly. Like a magnetic pull, you and he won’t be able to get enough of one another. Your man will take a long time sharing intimate moments with you – kissing, cuddling, and just being physically close to you however way you are comfortable doing so.

On the flip side of the coin, a man who is just having sex with you won’t care about experiencing shared intimate moments with you. He certainly won’t make time to engage in sweet little acts of affection and connection with you. Instead, he’ll probably be thinking of other things. And being with you again is not something he’ll particularly anticipate or long for.

21. He Will Not be Afraid to Get Vulnerable With You

Men and women are more alike than many people think. And just like women, men also have their share of insecurities — but they take their time in letting their guard down and letting someone else in. One of the most definitive signs he is making love to you is when he feels free to show his real self and let himself be vulnerable with you during your intimate moments and beyond.

On the other hand, a guy that is only having sex with you may take a long time even to expose a glimpse of vulnerability, or he will never truly let his guard down. All he wants, after all, is short-term and void of emotions, so to him, there is absolutely no point in lowering his walls and sharing his feelings with you.

22. He Will Shower You With Kisses

He will Shower you with Kisses

One of the most clear-cut and significant signs he is making love to you is when he loves kissing you. It takes a deep level of affection and connection for a man to reach the level of truly kissing someone and showering them with passionate kisses. Kissing before, during, or after getting intimate with you shows that he is in this for lovemaking.

But, and this is a big BUT, if a guy kisses you and keeps on kissing you without you giving consent, then this may be a sign that he wants to get you in bed and have his way with you, completely disregarding what you want and what you are ready for. And that is not a good thing.

23. Your Intuition Will Know

We’ve discussed many signs he is making love to you above. But the truth is, sometimes you know. Sometimes when you are getting intimate with someone, you don’t need these rules or anybody to know and feel the signs he is making love to you. You feel it. There’s a connection; there’s emotion, there’s communication, there’s something beautiful blooming in your midst. And you know.

And if it’s just sex, sometimes you know it too. There’s physical satisfaction, sure, and carnal desires met. But it all feels empty. The guy is there with you, but he’s not really with you. So you’ll feel that disconnect; you’ll feel the lack of feelings. And you will know.

24. He’s Relaxed

He’s Relaxed

When a man makes love to you, he will be extremely relaxed around you. This will reflect in the way he speaks, the way he initiates things with you, and how effortlessly things transition from the couch to the bedroom.

25. He Doesn’t Rush Into It

While some people just want to do the act and get to it as soon as possible, others take their time with it, and that’s when you know that a man is really into you.

He will talk to you, ask about your day, and make the foreplay last long, and only then will he begin the process of reaching the climax.

26. It’s All in The Eyes

It’s All in The Eyes

The eyes never lie, and the same holds for two people in bed together. If a man is making love to you and is attracted to you both physically and emotionally, his eyes will give it away as his pupils will dilate for sure.

27. He’s Vocal

Being vocal during sex is extremely important, especially because it increases the pleasure for both the people involved. Someone making love to you will always be vocal about what they want while also asking you about what it is that you would want them to be doing to you.

28. He Slows Down

Wild and rough sex is fun, but when two people are emotionally connected, it’s also enjoyable to slow down and take in each other’s happy faces and feelings.

If he admires you and loves you, he will slow down for you and let you feel pleasure in every single moment.

29. He’s Present in The Moment

He’s Present in The Moment

If a man truly adores you, he will be present at the moment while making love to you. It will almost feel like the world has ceased to exist, and it’s just the two of you at that moment in your universe.

30. His Hands Do The Talking

A man making love to you won’t let one body part do all the work. He will use his hands to make you feel acknowledged while also pleasuring you. He will touch your face, run his fingers along your lips, and make it travel to other places to satisfy you.

31. He Pays Attention to Your Whole Body

Isn’t it annoying when men just focus on one aspect during sex? Or when it comes down to just that one body part? This is why it’s so refreshing when a man who is making love to you gives attention to your entire body, tingling all your nerves and making you immensely happy.

32. He Makes The Little Things Matter

He Makes The Little Things Matter

It’s always the little things that matter, be it in a relationship or even in bed. After a man makes love to you, he will talk to you, ask you how you liked it, and even bring you tea in bed the following day.

33. He Mirrors Your Actions

Mirroring can be fun during sex. This means that he will mimic your actions while making love to you. If you kiss his neck, for instance, he will kiss yours, realizing that you probably want this done to you as well.

34. Open Up Becomes Easy

Some people can feel shy during sex, which is completely natural. However, when someone makes love to you, they also make you feel comfortable enough to talk to them. So, opening up to them about your likes, dislikes, and insecurities becomes easier.

35. Laughter is Key

Laughter is Key

Sex can often get messy, and instead of feeling embarrassed, the best thing to do is to laugh it off. A good man will always bring in laughter, even during the most intimate moments, allowing you to be completely yourself.

36. He’s Not in a Hurry to Leave

It can be the worst feeling when someone you have just slept with wants to leave the next minute. However, if a man values you, he will want to stick around and not be in a hurry to leave. Instead, he will plan for the next date and ask you when he can see you again.

37. He’s Not Afraid to Say ‘Love’

Many men dread saying the word ‘love.’ Although, for a man who genuinely feels connected to you emotionally, uttering that magical word will be super easy, even if it’s in the middle of an intimate moment.

38. He Doesn’t Pressurize You

Sex is never fun when it is done under pressure or obligation. A man who wants to make you feel happy and pleasured in bed will value your opinions and never pressurize you to do something you’re not in the mood for.

39. He Doesn’t Sleep Off Immediately

He Doesn’t Sleep Off Immediately

If a man falls asleep right after an orgasm, it can genuinely feel so upsetting for a woman. However, a man who has you in his heart will talk to you and give you his attention even after making love to you.

40. He Possesses a Hero Instinct

Growing up, most women read fairy tales where a knight in shining armor saves the princess. While women don’t need to be saved, they want a man who sometimes feels like a hero who protects them.

Wonderful men give you that warm and protective feeling while making love to you.

41. He Values Your Fantasies

Where is the fun if just one person’s sexual fantasies keep getting fulfilled, right? The best kind of men are those who ask a woman about their fantasies and try their best to make them come true.

42. He Doesn’t Complain

He Doesn’t Complain

No one wants to sleep with a man who keeps nagging and complaining. This is why when you sleep with a man who is worthy of your time, you will neither find him complaining nor being grumpy.

43. Consent is of Utmost Importance

No means no, and this is a mantra you should never forget about sex. A man wishing to make love to you will respect you and ask for your consent before moving forward, no matter how long you’ve seen each other.

44. You Can Tell From His Expressions

The face can often be the window to someone’s soul, and this is especially correct while a man is making love to you. His expressions will reveal just how much he’s enjoying it, whether it’s through a crooked smile or a mouth that’s moaning loudly.

45. He Asks You About Your Choice of Positions

Comfortable sex positions are always welcome in the bedroom, but for a man who is making love to you, knowing about the positions you want to try becomes very crucial. This is another way for him to honor your wishes and show you that you’re worth all the effort.

46. He Will Say Your Name

He Will Say Your Name

Saying your partner’s name during sex is intense, intimate, and sweet. When a man is attracted to you and shares a bed with you, he will say your name multiple times as he makes love to you.

47. He Displays His Feelings

Only immature men shy away from showing their true feelings to the woman they love. They know that sex is one of the best moments for them to display just how much they want you. You can feel it in your bones and with every little gesture of his.

48. He Wants to Go at it Again

While the will to have sex a couple of minutes after you’ve just done, it shows great stamina; it also proves that a man is deeply connected to you. He will want to make love to you and put in the effort to ensure it’s fun no matter how many times you do it.

49. He Kisses Your Forehead

He Kisses Your Forehead

Forehead kisses are a sign of love. If he kisses you on the forehead, just know that you’re really important to him. Similarly, if he gives you forehead kisses after sex, it symbolizes that he just made love to you.

50. He Holds Your Hand

Holding someone’s hand is a love language. Whether you reach for someone’s hand outside the bedroom, during sex, or after being physically intimate, it’s a gesture of affection.

If your man is holding your hand while sleeping with you, he intends to make love to you.


Women almost always like to express their feelings. Whether they are spending time with someone just casually or being around them because they see a future and believe in the relationship, men will know what’s going on.

Men, however, can often just be closed books, making it difficult for a woman to understand what’s going on inside their heads.

Some people use “having sex” and “making love” as two interchangeable things. But they are as different as night and day. Though it’s impossible to really and truly tell when a man is making love to you or just doing the deed with you because personalities vary between one to the next, these signs he is making love to you can serve as a guide to assist you in reading the room and finding out what is going on. And in the end, the best thing would be to have a clear, honest conversation about what you both are looking for at the moment!

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