Kegel Exercises and the Female Orgasm

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Everyone wants to know how to have bigger, better orgasm. Well, here’s the easy answer. Kegel exercises. Yes, Kegels. They are the best two minutes a day you could ever spend on the road to better sex and female orgasm.

Kegels after childbirth are a great way to tone and strengthen the vagina. As well, some postmenopausal women find Kegels help them to maintain lubrication because of the daily increase in blood flow to that area.

You see, in order to maintain tone and strength and to feel at its best, every muscle group needs to be exercised. If not exercised, the muscle group will become slack and eventually atrophy. Therefore, a lack of sensation around a woman’s vaginal opening is usually caused by an out-of-shape pubococcygeal (PC) muscle.

In case you’ve never done a Kegel exercise, here are the basics. To find where your PC muscle are located:

  • Sit over a toilet and with your legs apart start a flow of urine
  • Half way through stop the flow
  • Concentrate on what muscle you used to stop the flow—that is your PC muscle.

It is important to do this trial exercise because it’s easy to mistake your stomach, buttocks or thigh muscle for your PC muscle.

Once your PC is located, there are three simple Kegel exercises you can do.

The Squeeze and Release
Contract your PC muscle for three seconds, then let them rest for three seconds. If holding for three seconds is too much at first, then start with one or two seconds instead. Do this Kegel exercise ten times per day.

The Flutter
This Kegel exercise is about squeezing and releasing the PC muscle as quickly as possible. Rapidly squeeze and release ten times, then take a short rest. Doing this to upbeat music helps keep you on track. Do three sets of ten per day.

The Advanced Kegel
Once you get good at Kegels, it’s time to take it up a notch. Pull up the entire pelvic area as though trying to suck up water into the genitals. Then push out or bear down as if trying to push the imaginary water out. ThisKegel exercise will use a number of stomach muscle as well as the PC muscle. Do this ten times per day.

It’s pretty normal at first for your PC muscle to tire out easily. However, if you find some soreness in your thigh, stomach or buttocks muscle you need to go back to the start and properly locate your PC muscle once again.

Make Kegels Your Daily Habit
The hardest part will be you keeping up your daily Kegel exercise routine. As such, do your Kegels in unison with other daily habits. I recommend making it a part of your morning routine.

Do your Kegel exercises while in the shower, brushing your teeth, on the commute to work, waiting at stop lights, or while exercising and listening to your favorite music. Perhaps at work you can liven up that boring meeting, make answering the telephone more fun, or have your own little party while waiting in a take-out line for lunch. There are tons of opportunities.

The wonderful thing about Kegels is you can do them anywhere without anyone having the slightest idea of what you are up to. Just make sure to wear a big smile on your face to confuse the heck out of whoever may be watching you. It will be your own little naughty secret.

Kegels are a fast, easy, convenient way for men and women to enjoy their orgasms so much more. It’s your two-minutes-a-day regime to better sex.

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