
All Orgasms are Not Created Equal

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For over a hundred years, sex researchers, feminists and pop-culture have been enmeshed in an ongoing debate as to which is superior: the vaginal or clitoral orgasm. Regrettably, their high-brow ponderings have left the average gal in their wake wondering whether she’s orgasmically normal.

In case you don’t know the difference between a vaginal or clitoral orgasm a small tutorial is in order.

Clitoral Orgasm
The clitoral orgasm is achieved by direct stimulation of the clitoris, which has between 6,000 to 8,000 nerve endings. This dense cluster of nerves is triggered by direct, localized stimulation via fingers, tongue, sex toys, or by masturbation. Clitoral orgasms are typically described as “higher” and “intense”. Sometimes, post-orgasm, the clitoris feels as if it has been over stimulated.

Vaginal Orgasm
A vaginal orgasm, on the other hand, is achieved via stimulation of the vaginal canal. Hot spots include: the G-Spot, the lower interior vaginal walls and the cervix. Because the surface area is bigger, vaginal orgasms are usually described as “deep” and “relaxing” and are usually followed by a profound sense of calm.

The Man Who Created The Orgasm Confusion
It was Sigmund Freud who started this debilitating to women orgasm debate. According to Freud, the vaginal orgasm was a feminine and more mature sexual response, while the clitoral orgasm was masculine, immature and inferior. It was of no consequence that Freud did not have any scientific proof—this whole idea was concocted by his powers of supposition.

For more than half a century, women tried unsuccessfully to be good lovers by transferring their inferior clitoral orgasm to the mature vagina. Surprise! A great number of women ended up in therapy with Freud or his disciples and given the label of “sexual dysfunction”.

Dr. Kinsey to the Rescue
It wasn’t until the 1940s when sex researcher Dr. Alfred Kinsey risked all to take down thousands of men and women’s sex histories. Through his interviews, Kinsey concluded that a huge percentage of women were not having and could not have vaginal orgasms.

Then in the 1960s, sex researchers Masters and Johnson (M & J) decided to test Kinsey’s findings in the laboratory. M & J concluded that the majority of their female subjects could only achieve clitoral orgasm while a small minority achieved vaginal orgasm.

Brilliantly, M & J’s findings coincided with the feminist movement. To put it mildly, feminists were furious that Freud, one man, could have messed up women’s minds, orgasms and sex lives for so many generations. Feminists went on a zealous campaign to gain back rightful respect for the clitoral orgasm.

Most women today feel comfortable having a clitoral orgasm. Yet there is still a lot of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding whether they are missing out on the bigger vaginal orgasm experience.

Part of it is triggered by pop culture’s latest craze of promoting the G-Spot orgasm as superior to a clitoral orgasm. As well, romance novels and movies often depict woman being completely orgasmic with no foreplay and only penile penetration.

I have spoken to many women who wonder what is wrong with them because they cannot have a G-Spot orgasm or cannot get turned-on by simple penile thrusting. I assure these women that they are perfectly normal and that the majority of gals are only able to orgasm via stimulation of the clitoris.

Your Orgasm Experience is Unique to You
An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm, regardless of how it manifests itself. All that matters is she enjoys herself in the process. Orgasm debate over.


Dr-Trina-ReadAbout the Author

Dr. Trina Read writes for magazines such as Ireland’s Easy Health, Fresh, Mompreneur, Womanition and Calgary Women; and had a syndicated newspaper column across Canada. Media expert, best selling author, syndicated blogger read by over 2 million viewers, relationship coach, international speaker, spokeswoman, magazine and newspaper columnist., Dr. Trina Read really is the go-to Relationship Expert.

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