
A Day with Dad

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My husband’s job affords me the ability to work from home, giving me the opportunity to spend time with my kids. His job also means long hours for himself. To make up for this he makes an effort to plan one-on-one time with the kids.

One such opportunity was presented when Canadian Tire offered us tickets to the Pinty’s 250 Nascar Canadian Tire Series at the Kawartha Speedway. None of us have ever been to an actual race in person though we can hear the buzz of the Indy from our backyard in the summer. Top Gear is also one of our favourite car shows on Television, especially when they race on some of those tough speedways.  My son was looking forward to race day but more importantly he was looking forward to spending the day with his dad, without his two sisters. 

Saturday morning arrived but so did the uninvited weather.

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It rained and rained and rained. They pulled out their race gear, including some folding chairs Canadian Tire sent over for the day, and they watched, hoping the rain would stop.

It didn’t. With the drive about an hour and a half away to the Kawartha Speedway, they opted not to head out. Good thing too as the race day was postponed until Sunday due to weather. Unfortunately we weren’t available.

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Although my son was looking forward to heading to the track with his dad to see some speed and hear the buzz, his main interest was doing something together. Not to let the weather be a damper on their day, after swapping jokes in the backyard watching the rain, they headed out for a little bike shopping, including a visit to Canadian Tire. My son participated in his school bike rodeo on Friday. He had a great time but it was obvious he had outgrown more than just his school clothes. It was time for a new bike.

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My son loved his day with dad, just the two of them. Doing things as a family is great fun but sometimes our kids need some time just focusing on them, some time with just mom or dad. It doesn’t have to be a big and expensive ordeal either. Something as simple as playing a video game together, going out for a sandwich, or even bike shopping can work. It’s not the stuff or activity, it’s our time and us that interests our kids. Do you organize time with your children individually? Is it hard to find the time for one-on-one activities at home?

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