
Mixing Worlds. Curry Pork Loco Moco

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Sure there are special days we celebrate as a family but sometimes it’s fun to celebrate the second week of April or the third Thursday of the month. My kids are always up for a little party fun with a mix of worlds thanks to Pataks Canada

Hawaii is one of our favourite family destinations and when visiting the Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach a few years ago I discovered the dish Loco Moco for the first time. It’s like it was made for me: white rice, hamburger patty, fried egg, and gravy all in a wonderful tower of deliciousness.

Our recent trip to California for the Disney Social Media Moms Conference stirred up memories of Hawaii when the Tangaroa Terrace offered their own albeit quick serve version of the Loco Moco. Back home we fell into the routine of batch barbecuing on the weekend, smoking up roasts, sausages, and chicken wings. We even did a 14 hour pork butt for curried pulled pork. Patak’s Mild Curry Paste made it easy to mix up a batch. I love pulled pork and the curry added a nice spice versus the saucy variety. Dreaming of a Loco Moco I decided to try and make them at home but instead of the ground beef layer I opted for the curried pulled pork.

It was a huge hit and so easy to make (though maybe not that photographic to show). The Pataks curried pork spiced up the rice and complemented the soft egg and gravy. I love my little jar of Pataks Mild Curry Paste. It’s so easy to add into dishes and not too spicy for the kids. I even made curried deviled eggs for our party. There’s something about deviled eggs being a party staple.


While making the the food my kids made decorations for a second week of April party (we didn’t have any other name for it). As I was using the curried pulled pork we decided to make elephant stained glass.  Shaved crayon stained glass never gets old as a craft and it is so much fun to do. I think the kids just love shaving crayon bits down. Of course we needed an elephant pattern to cut from our stained glass sheet and simple illustration from The Birdies Secrets was perfect with it’s turned up trunk. Everyone knows you have to display elephants with turned up trunk for luck (though it seems that might only be a North America belief)



Then we ended our family party with a game of Rummoli.

I love that this is a card game the whole family can play together, including my youngest. No real skill is involved; the kids don’t feel overwhelmed and unable to play and the adutlts don’t feel as though they’re playing a kids game.


All in all our second week of April party was a lot of fun with a dash of India. I wonder what I’ll do with my Pataks curried pulled pork next?

Disclosure: I am part of the Patak’s Canada Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions and experiences on this blog are my own.

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