The Best Chores For Kids by Age

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Finding chores for kids to do for kids can sometimes be a struggle, but this chore list for kids makes it easy to find chores for kids of all ages.

Chores for Kids

Big or small, there are chores all kids can do.

“Aw, mom… Do I have to?”

How many times do you hear whines like this when you ask your kids to help out around the house? Too often, I bet.

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

Children can be masters of procrastination and excuses when it comes to doing their share of household chores that sometimes, let’s face it, it’s much easier just to do yourself.

However, according to findings from this well-known Harvard Grant study, subjects who were given chores when they were young grew up to be more independent, collaborative in a group setting, and appreciative of the value of hard work. Completing chores also gives them a sense of pride, competency, and accomplishment that boosts their self-esteem.

Chores for kids are fundamental building blocks that help them develop a positive attitude towards labor and a crucial factor in fueling success in both professional and social environments.

So while insisting that your children complete the chores on their chore chart may seem like a never-ending battle, getting your children to follow through will teach them life skills, help them develop a good work ethic, and instill in them habits that will benefit them later in life.

Chore List for Kids

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

Kids as early as two years old can be capable of handling their share of responsibilities. While it’s obvious that you can’t expect your toddler to vacuum the floor or mow the lawn, you can assign them tasks that are appropriate for their age.

Giving them chores that are within their capabilities improves their confidence and sense of independence. The key is to continue building up the level of difficulty and responsibility to keep them continuously challenged as they grow older.

Although many parents recognize the importance of assigning chores for kids, most of them find it tricky to get started.

It can be pretty hard to match chores for kids by age when you are trying to get started assigning chores, but these chore lists for kids will help you Get Started/

Here’s the ultimate chore list for kids by age that will help guide you in teaching your children about responsibility.

Chores For Toddlers

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

Kids around ages 2 and 3 years old generally feel a sense of excitement about being able to help do chores, though they may not be as effective as we hope they would. At this age, your children will need assistance in completing their tasks.

The key is to keep that excitement alive and to encourage their positive attitude towards chores as they grow up. Toddlers can:

  • Pick up their toys
  • Help set the table
  • Feed the pets
  • Arrange books and magazines
  • Put dirty clothes in the hamper

Chores For Preschoolers and Kindergarteners

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

Preschool kids love to hang around adults. Children at this age usually love taking part in adult activities, which makes this stage the perfect opportunity to cultivate their sense of responsibility. Preschoolers and kindergarteners can:

  • Make their beds
  • Set and clear the table
  • Carry in groceries
  • Sort the laundry
  • Wipe windows and counters
  • Water indoor plants
  • Dust the shelves
  • Sweep the floor
  • Help Vaccum

Chores For School-Age Children

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

Chores for kids get increasingly more difficult the older they get.

When kids enter elementary school, they begin to build relationships with other kids and develop the desire to become more independent.

At six to eight years old, you can start entrusting chores to your children with minimal supervision. School-age children can:

  • Take out the trash
  • Put away the dishes
  • Unload the dishwasher
  • Vacuum or mop the floor
  • Keep their room clean
  • Walk the pet
  • Help fold the laundry
  • Fix their snacks and lunch for school
  • Pull weeds

Chores For Preteens

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

This stage in your children’s life opens up an interest in autonomy. Aside from giving them bigger responsibilities, preadolescence is the right time to impose on them the value of completing tasks correctly and not just for the sake of getting them done.

Pro tip: As this is also the age where your kids may need a bit more prodding to do their tasks, you should consider giving them incentives to motivate them to work. Preteens can:

  • Do the dishes
  • Help wash the car
  • Help do the laundry
  • Clean the counters and kitchen sink
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Mow the Lawn
  • Cook simple meals

Chores for Teenagers

The Best Chores For Kids by Age

Your children’s teenage years offer you the last prime opportunity to prepare them for adulthood. The values and habits that they have as teenagers can ultimately affect who they are as adults.

As parents, use this developmental period to instill in them a deep sense of responsibility and prepare them for an independent life outside of your home. Teenagers can:

  • Mow the lawn
  • Take care of younger siblings
  • Change busted lightbulbs
  • Grocery shopping
  • Planning and preparing meals
  • Basic car and household appliance maintenance

Making chores a regular part of your family routine is essential in your children’s formative years. Though the string of complaints and constant whining may get on your last nerve on some days, do not let those moments deter you from teaching your children about the importance of responsibility.

By assigning chores for kids to all your kids will help them become more independent and successful as they grow up and leave the house. Although it might be tedious to get them to do their chores you are helping them learn life long skills.

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10 thoughts on “The Best Chores For Kids by Age”

  1. My 2 year old gets a real sense of achievement from helping me with little chores around the house. She helps pack the shopping into the cupboards, loves going around with the duster and sweeping the floors! I think helping out really helps build their self confidence.

  2. Excellent list. I’ve got a preschooler and I’ve struggled with how much is a reasonable amount of chores to give her (and which ones), so this list is very helpful. As we’ve been stuck at home, I’ve noticed that she can do a lot more chores than I had given her credit for before. So thank you for this list!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this blog with us. It provides a collection of useful information. You obviously put a lot of effort into it.


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