
My Style. Working on My iPad Mini

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Over the holidays I received an IPad mini from TELUS as part of their Greatest Connection campaign, keeping connected with people. I was really excited to start using it and wanted to share 8 of my must have tools that keep me connected to the people and things I love.

I mainly use my iPad mini apps to:

  1. Add pizzazz to my photos
  2. Find inspiration and write my blog posts
  3. Connect with family or friends

Add pizzazz to my photos –
Photos are a great way to connect with people using images. love to take photos and share them with other people. These are the apps I use to add something to my images to make them shine and add a little me:

Instagram lets me share my photos with everyone

iPhoto lets me edit my photos for sharing or to add to my blog posts

Instacollage is great for adding text and adding multiple images

mystyle ipadmini phototools

Find inspiration and write my blog posts –
Sometimes it’s hard to think of a post idea and I don’t like to write my ideas on the iPad mini’s notepad so I like to use these apps:

Pinterest and Etsy are both great for when I’m looking for a blog post idea

Evernote I use like a design file, adding ideas, links and images in one spot

Pages lets me write out my posts before sending them to be published. I use this a lot for school projects too.

mystyle ipadmini blogtools

Connect with family or friends –
I love to talk on the phone but I prefer to talk face to face with someone. My grandma doesn’t live close to me and I love to see my friend’s faces when I talk to them so these apps are what I use to stay connected to them:

Facetime is like a video chat to connect with other people using apple devices.

Skype lets me connect with friends after school through text messages, voice or even video.

mystyle ipadmini chattools

I use my iPad mini to stay connected with people who like the same things I do, through my photos, my blog, and just through talking. I use these apps all the time and I think there great. I hope that you can use them to. Do you already use one of theses tools or do you prefer something different?

Bye for now,



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