
Everything Fabulous: 5 Ideas for Earth Hour

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Most of us agree we need to make a bigger effort at curbing our energy usage, whether it’s driving less and walking more, shopping locally, unplugging and turning off the lights. On Saturday, March 31, you can join the world by showing your support toward a better and greener use of energy. It is possible, and we’ve found some Fabulous ways to encourage you to stick to it.

A Night by Candlelight

Earth_hour_idea_1Enjoy a late dinner or play a game with the kids by the glow of candlelight. To get ready for Earth Hour why not get the kids involved and make your own candles to burn. You can roll them (great for little kids) or dip them.

If you’re the type who’s itching to know when the hour’s up, why not try making a Candle Clock to mark off the time.

Rechargable Flashlight

Earth_hour_idea_4A great way to occupy the kids for the hour is with flashlights. Make shadow puppets, play flashlight tag, or just sit and tell a group story (the person holding the flashlight adds the next line to the made-up story). This rechargeable Cat Flashlight from Kikkerland Shop charges by an easy hand pump that even kids can use. The best part is the light shines trough the cat’s eyes. $13.95 Cdn

Enjoy a Camp Fire

Earth_hour_idea_5If the lights are out, why not head outside and enjoy a campfire. Even if you don’t live in the country you can enjoy the warmth and glow of a nice fire with an outdoor firepit. Grab some marshmallows and the kids will never ask to go back in. (Check with your local bylaws about running a firepit. If these aren’t allowed, perhaps a late night super around the glow of the BBQ). $99.99 Cdn

Star Gazing

Earth_hour_idea_3With the lights off in your neighbourhood, now would be a perfect time to take in the stars. You’ll be amazed at how many there actually are up there. You don’t need to be an astronomer or even own a fancy telescope. A nice set of binoculars like these ones from Nikon are great for star gazing, plus you can use them for bird watching and other activities when Earth Hour is over. $99.00 Cdn. We also found some great tips on using binoculars to gaze at the stars.

Add a Little Music

earth hour handcrank radioWithout all the gadgets going, Earth Hour could be a great time to pull out the guitar or dust off the piano keys and sing a few family favourites. Anyone know the chord keys to Lady Gaga’s Poker Face? For those of us not so musically inclined, enjoy your favourite radio station using a rechargeable hand crank radio like the ETON Canadian Red Cross emergency preparedness radio. It has a digital turner with AM and FM fequencies, a built-in LED light source and a USB port for charging other devices (great for emergecies). $49.99 Cdn

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