
How to be a Foster Parent

Okay, so this article won’t tell you the legalities of how to be a foster parent.  My hope is to give you the information and advice you might be seeking before you make that step of becoming a foster parent.  The better prepared you are the more successful you will be.  People ask me constantly how to be a foster parent.  I could write on and on about it, but here is what I think are the most important things to consider before taking the leap.

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Message in a Bottle Craft

Children love to share their adventures.  This craft is all about creating a way for a child of any age to share their fun with people they care about.  The level of help needed from you depends on the age of your child.  I did this activity with my two year old daughter just to show you how simple it can be.

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Homemade Fireworks


Sparks are about to fly! On Canada Day and America’s Fourth of July you have come to expect firework celebrations. Fireworks are usually part of most summer holiday long weekends. Is it too late for your children by the time the celebrations start? Do you dread taking all of them out with a ton of gear? But it isn’t quite the same to just watch on television, is it? Here is an easy way to bring the celebration into your home. How about getting your young child to make some fireworks of their own? It’s safe, don’t worry.

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