
Samsung Canada Challenge Means Tech Grants for Schools

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It’s often touted that kids today are obsessed with technology, sending inappropriate texts to friends or accessing social media without their parent’s knowledge. But there are many benefits to technology for kids especially where education is concerned and Samsung Canada wants to help.

Just last week, the company launched for the first ever Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge. The initiative encourages Canadian students to solve real-world problems in their own communities using Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Along with collaboration and working to make a difference, these students in grade 6 to 12 in public schools are also competing for a share of $500,000 worth of Samsung classroom technology grants for their school. With cash-strapped budgets, any school in the country could use this little technology boost.

Additional Reading: 10 Ways to Protect Your Kids Online

Solve for Tomorrow Challenge partners include Canadian YouTube stars Mitch Moffit and Greg Brown of AsapSCIENCE, Along with The Learning Partnership, a national charitable organization dedicated to advancing public education in Canada, and Let’s Talk Science, a charitable youth development organization which creates and delivers free STEM learning programs and services that support educators and strengthen student learning outcomes.

“We love STEM, and our goal with AsapSCIENCE was always to help others see how approachable, exciting and fun these topics can actually be,” said Mitch and Greg of AsapSCIENCE. “Working with Samsung Canada to inspire more students to stick with STEM education through the Solve for Tomorrow Challenge is a privilege.”

Samsung will host a live ‘Meet & Greet’ with Mitch and Greg during the first phase of the challenge; next spring, they will also visit two grand prize winning schools and their communities to learn about their winning student projects and feature them in an AsapTHOUGHT video. They’ll also host a special and unique STEM lab experience at the winning schools.

I shared a number of great YouTube channels for families to watch together to learn new things and although AsapSCIENCE wasn’t on that initial list, I would certainly put it on the list now. This video will confirm why:

So put those young brains to work. Let your child’s school know about the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge for a chance to help their community as well as maybe win some amazing tech gear for their school. The first phase of the Challenge will close on November 30 with Fifty-five finalist schools being selected in December to move on to the next phase. One winner from each province and territory (11 in total) will win $20,000 in classroom technology and will go on to compete in the final phase in February 2016 for two grand prizes of $50,000 in classroom technology each plus live visits school from Mitch and Greg from AsapSCIENCE.

Stay tuned for specific details on these events via SolveForTomorrow.ca and follow Samsung Canada and #SamsungSolve on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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