Books for Kids: I Wish I Could Draw

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I wish I could draw
Groundwood Books
age 5-8
By Cary Fagan
32 pages

Synopsis from Groundwood Books:

When the narrator of this sneakily clever book decides he will try to draw even though he believes he isn’t very good at it, a world of silly possibilities opens for him. By the end of the story, he has vanquished a dragon, been given a medal, published a book, and seen his artwork on display in a real museum—and all because he refused to be held back by his own perceived limitations.

Sometimes children let doubts and fears keep them from doing something they enjoy, like in I Wish I Could Draw. Kids compare themselves to others but we all have unique talents and abilities. From drawing what others expect, what is “art” to drawing what makes them happy, that inner critique can be squashed by the fun.

The tone of the book changes from look at my awful artwork to look at my fun story. I was a little worried with the start of the story, feeling so negative and judgemental, but as a reader we start to forget the artists own judgment as he seems to move his focus more into his story. Even the story appearing in the format of a child’s journal makes a connection with young readers and their own doodles. I Wish I Could Draw is a great reminder for kids to fight their inner critique and do what they enjoy, whether it is drawing or dancing or playing sports. It’s a lesson many adults could benefit from too.

You can find a copy of I Wish I Could Draw at your local bookstore or at Groundwood Books. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.

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