
Books for Kids: Summer Walk

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Summer Walk
Gibbs Smith / Raincoast Books
By Virginia Snow
32 pages
age 3-5, 5-8

Synopsis from Raincoast Books:

Ramble through the woods, as you join Grammy and her favorite grandkids on a summer walk. Beautiful illustrations and clever rhymes will guide readers as they learn to identify twenty-six different bugs, from grasshoppers to moths, snails to katydids. At day’s end, discover how to create a caterpillar habitat; observe over time as your caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly you can then release on your next summer walk.

The seasons bring with them new discoveries as nature adjusts to the changing weather. We enjoyed discovering the variety of leaves found falling from trees during Fall Walk. Summer Walk brings with an assortment of tiny workers, as in bugs and insects.

In similar fashion as the previous books in this season series, Summer Walk takes kids on a nature walk with their grandmother noticing the different creatures living in the forest. The story is told in a simple rhyme, calling out the creatures the kids spy. The illustrations are simple line drawings of the forest environment and the kids as the backdrop to the bugs in the area. It’s these insects that are highlighted in contract by colourful illustrations and large upper case letter for each creature’s name.

At the back of the book you’ll find a few activities pertaining to nature like creating cloud scenes, instructions on hatching a butterfly and even a few inset facts. Summer Walk is a great way to remind kids to be more attentive to nature around them, stop and appreciate the working world often going about its business unobserved.

Additional Reading: These Seas Count.

You can find a copy of Summer Walk from Raincoast Books or your local bookstore. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.

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