More People to Love Me
Pan Macmillan / Publishers Group Canada
By Mo O’Hara, illustrated by Ada Grey
32 pages
age 5-8
Synopsis from Publishers Group Canada:
This little girl’s family is huge! The only way to show how huge would be to draw a family tree. With a step-mum, a step-dad, four brothers and sisters, and a whole lot of grandparents, her family tree has a lot of branches – and a lot of people to love her.
The notion of the nuclear family (mom, dad, and two kids) isn’t the reality for many kids. Finding stories that illustrate these differences, stories that kids can relate to, can be a challenging though I’ve noticed more of these popping up. More People to Love Me is one such story.
As a young girl jumps into a class assignment with vigour, creating her family tree, we’re introduced to her extensive family. The problem is that the young girl’s family is so big that I can’t fit into a standard family tree but the teacher offers a solution.
The young girl’s family is big due to the inclusion of step parents and siblings, as well as grandparents who remarried. More People to Love Me reminds kids that a family that falls outside of what some people have, including fostered or adopted children, step families and perhaps other non-traditional family structures, still means it’s a family. Just a larger family. Perhaps a family forest versus a family tree.
You can get an inside peek to this book in the following video review, published on our Youtube channel every Wednesday:
You can find a copy of More People to Love Me from Publishers Group Canada or your local bookstore. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.