Books for Kids: Louis I King of the Sheep

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Louis I King of the Sheep
Publishers Group Canada / Enchanted Lion
By Olivier Tallec
40 pages
age 5-8

Synopsis from Publishers Group Canada:

Readers will delight in Louis’s increasingly elaborate fantasy of what comes with being a supreme ruler: the pleasures, the responsibilities, the capriciousness. ‘What’s good for me is good for my people,’ thinks King Louis in this clever fable about the randomness and absurdity of power, but also its abuses, and the hidden dangers in a society built on conformity.

Don’t we all imagine what it would be like to be in charge, the leader? The perception is that being “king of the castle” means respect, rewards and being special. I think that’s what Louis imagined when a crown rolled into his path in Louis I King of the Sheep.

Of course being in charge and having power can sometimes get to your head, changing your perception of what is important and what is needed to keep control of this power. Louis I King of the Sheep illustrates this creep of power as we observe as an outsider.

Even without the text, the large illustrations demonstrate the impact of Louis’ change. Louis I King of the Sheep opens up an interesting discussion with kids around what Louis has lost in order to gain something he thinks he wants. Sometimes something we desire isn’t always the best option.

Additional Reading: Bear’s Song.

You can find a copy of Louis I King of the Sheep from Publishers Group Canada or your local bookstore. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.

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