
Books for Kids: Ivy and Bean – No News is Good News

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Ivy and Bean – No News is Good News
Chronicls Books/Raincoast Books
age 5-8
Written by Annie Barrows, illustrated by Sophie Blackall
128 pages

Synopsis from Raincoast Books:

Ivy and Bean need some money. Ten dollars, to be exact. Never mind what for. Okay, it’s for low-fat Belldeloon cheese in a special just-for-you serving size. Don’t ask why. How are Ivy and Bean going to make ten dollars? Hey, maybe they should write a newspaper about Pancake Court and sell it! Great idea! And easy, too. All they have to do is snoop around the neighborhood. Wow…It’s very interesting what they can find out. It’s even more interesting when the neighbors read about it in the newspaper.

The unlikely pals Ivy and Bean are well loved in our home. Each book takes you on one of their crazy adventures and No News is Good News (book 8) is no exception. How can you go wrong when Belldeloon cheese ball. This completely resonated with my kids and Babybel cheese — it’s all about the wax.

Reading the Ivy and Bean series is like a peek into a child’s life; who else would get excited about playing with the red wax that contains the cheese versus the cheese itself? When given the advice to raise money by creating a neighbourhood newspaper, the two girls get creative. The problem is the neighours may not be so keen on their creativity. No News is Good News will entertain early chapter book readers.

You can add Ivy and Bean – No News is Good News to your personal library by visiting your local book store or visiting Raincoast Books. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations. What are you reading with your kids?

I have to thank Crystal at Raincoast Books for my review copy.

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