
Kids Book Review: It’s a Little Book

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It’s a Little Book
Roaring Brook Press/Raincoast Books
Age 0-3, 3-5
board book
by Lane Smith

Synopsis from Raincoast Books:

Now in diapers! For the youngest of readers who still prefer to chew on a book rather than read it,It’s a Little Book asks what a book is for–Is it for chewing? Is it for wearing?–and answers the question in a warm and charming way. As funny and captivating as the bestsellingIt’s a Book,It’s a Little Book promises to delight a new generation of readers.


When I first looked at It’s a Little Book I loved the story supported by cute illustrations. Lane Smith does a great job putting us in a child’s mind, trying to figure out things around them based on trial and experience. I can see a child given a book and doing all sorts of things besides looking at the pages like making it a tunnel or using it as a pillow.

Although I enjoyed the book, it was my 4-year old’s reaction to the book that really made an impression. As she knows what a book is for, she was in laughing fits at reading the donkey’s thoughts on what the book was for. After we read it together, she sat in my office and read it out loud to herself. The simple text made it easy to remember and recognize words. The monkey’s simple ‘No’ reply was repeated on each page. My daughter read it to everyone who would listen, including our reluctant cat. Then she took it to school and read it to her kindergarten class (who, according to the teacher, all laughed and loved the book just as much as my daughter).

Although designed as a board book, to introduce a fun story to infants and toddlers, It’s a Little Book will easily become a favourite as a child grows older and develops a different view on books.

You can add It’s a Little Book to your personal library by visiting your local book store or visiting Raincoast Books. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations. What are you reading with your kids?

I have to thank Crystal at Raincoast Books for my review copy.

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