
Books for Babies: Hello, Airplane

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hello, airplane!
Source Books/Raincoast Books
age 3-5
By Bill Cotter
32 pages

Synopsis from Groundwood Books:

Say hello to the airplane as it takes off on an exciting adventure: gliding through the night sky, skimming above the clouds, and soaring into a bright new morning.

Traveling on an airplane as a child can be a big experience especially if it is his or her first trip. hello, airplane! takes the reader on the journey from the beginning of the destination to the end. The text is simple, following the plane and passengers as they fly over trees and mountains, through the night’s starry sky. hello, airplane! is a fun book to prepare a first time flyer for the world that passes around the plane while it’s in the air. The simple illustrations focus on the plane whether up close as it flies towards the setting sun or soars over the tree and roof tops.

You can find a copy of hello, airplane! at your local bookstore or at Raincoast Books. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.

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