
Books for Kids: A Call for a New Alphabet

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A Call for a New Alphabet
age 5-8
by Jef Czekaj
48 pages

Synopsis from Charlesbridge:

X is exasperated. Every other letter in the alphabet has so much to do and plays such important roles in making words. X expects more. He calls for a vote on a new alphabet (gasp!). According to the Alphabet Constitution, X has every right to question the status quo. But the night before the vote, X is plagued by dreams of what could happen if he were to take on another letter’s job. S has to run around a lot making singular words plural, except sometimes he isn’t needed at all, and sometimes he needs to bring along another letter . . . it was all very confusing. Then X thought he’d like to be E. E was very important and very useful. E agreed. But E was exhausted. He was in thousands of words and constantly busy. X didn’t think E’s job was a good idea after all.

When kids move from knowing their alphabet into creating, reading, and understanding words, there are a few rules that need to be followed and it can seem a little crazy. A Call for a new Alphabet takes a fun look at alphabetical order as well as common spelling rules.

The story has a fun graphic novel feel, making a book on the alphabet kind of cool, even to my seven year old son. He enjoyed reading the story on his own. I loved the visual and word examples included to illustrate the different letter sound scenarios, such as a knee and knight when the letter K complains about having a silent role when standing in front of the letter N. The story is fun and cheeky while still getting some interesting speeling cues across.

You can find a copy of A Call for a New Alphabet by visiting your local book store or visiting Charlesbridge. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations. What are you reading with your kids?

I have to thank Donna at Charlesbriget for my review copy.

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