
Books for Kids: Talk, Oscar, Please!

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Talk, Oscar, Please!
Sterling Publishing Kids
age 3-5
Written Karen Kaufman Orloff, illustrated by Tim Bowers
24 pages

Synopsis from Sterling Publishing:

A dog is a man’s (and a child’s) best friend–but it’s tough when your best friend can only bark, yip, growl, and howl! Young readers will empathize with this sweet and funny story of a boy who begs his dog to talk. Tim Bowers’ humorous pictures give a glimpse of what life might be like if dogs could crack jokes, chat on the phone, and even sing lullabies!

Whether it’s a dog, cat, or turtle, the relationship kids have with their pets is special. It’s no surprise that kids wish their pets could take on more humanistic qualities of a best friend, like laughing at a good joke or learning the alphabet together in school. Kids will totally relate to the boy in Talk, Oscar, Please! as he and his dog spend time together. Although kids probably wish their pets could talk, just like in Talk, Oscar, Please! I think most of them would also agree that they have an unspoken understanding with their pets.

Talk, Oscar, Please! is a wonderful story to share about your child’s friendship with their pet. Invite the family pet to sit and listen to the story too; older kids may even enjoy reading the story to their own pet (substituting their pet’s name).

You can find a copy of Talk, Oscar, Please! by visiting your local book store or visiting Sterling Publishing Kids. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations. What are you reading with your kids?

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