So you’re pregnant…now what? Impending parenthood can be wonderful and overwhelming to some. Here are a few tips to help with everythingbaby…
1st Trimester
- Connect with your health care provider to ensure proper medical care throughout your pregnancy. Who cares for pregnant women? Some General practitioners, Obstetricians and Certified Midwives.
- Take care of yourself. Your body has more demands on it now…so keep in tune with your energy levels and don’t overdo it.
2nd Trimester
- Your expanding belly is getting looks. Your usual clothes aren’t fitting so well either. Shop for maternity clothes that will get you through the coming months with comfort and style (yes, you can have both while pregnant!).
- Invest in key pieces (work: 2 dress pants, 1 skirt, 3 tops. Home: 2 jeans, 3 t-shirts/long sleeve).
- Keep in mind that consignment shops, craigslist, kijji and e-bay are budget-friendly options for finding gently used maternity wear (and baby gear!)
- If you know the gender of your baby – you can start looking at boy/girl themes for the nursery. If the gender will be a surprise – you can choose a soft neutral colour (yellow, green, beige), character (Winnie the Pooh is for boys & girls) or imagery (balloons, clouds, animals) for your nursery theme.
- Start researching – but not necessarily buying – baby gear. You still have time so don’t feel rushed to get that diaper bag today. Get informed on car seats, strollers, cribs and whatnot. Ask the recommendations of friends & family. Keep an eye out for sales.
- Again, consignment shops, craigslist, kijji and e-bay are budget-friendly options for finding gently used baby equipment. (NOTE: it is NOT recommended to buy 2nd hand car seats – as the safety may have been compromised during an accident or unforeseen event.)
- And on the topic of car seats, in Canada, infant car seats should be rear-facing until the baby reaches at least 9 kilo (20 lbs) or the maximum height (as noted on your car seat).
3rd trimester
- Enjoy some adult time. Schedule in a date night with your partner (here are 50 Romantic Ideas to get you thinking), a girls night out with friends, lunch with your Mom or just “ME” time. It is a great time to re-connect with your social network (or even build new ones).
- Start buying that baby gear. Painting the nursery. Doing the laundry.
- Home cookin’ good lookin’. Fill your freezer with home cooked meals for those nights après baby when you will need comfort foods. (TIP: has great – free – meal plans as well as tips on planning frozen meals)
Prepare your baby bag (for hospital or at home) with some things you may need during or after labour. These include; change of clothes for you, music, phone book, camera, pillow, toothbrush & toothpaste, hairbrush, pjs, change of clothes for baby (including several newborn hats), receiving blankets and diapers. (There are certainly more items you may want at your birth – choose items that provide comfort). Here’s a handy hospital bag checklist.
Finally, remember that getting ready for baby is a positive and exciting time. Enjoy the experience and share it with others. Connect with other expecting parents in forums and social media. You are never completely prepared to become a parent…but you can get ready for a baby.
To see what stage you’re at in your pregnancy week-by-week take a look at our Pregnancy Calendar.