Books for Kids: Imagine a World

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Imagine a World
Simon & Schuster Canada
By Rob Gonsalves
48 pages
age 5-8

Synopsis from Simon & Schuster Canada:

Imagine a world where the sky becomes the Earth; where a waterfall freefalls to become dancing women; where you can cut mountains out of curtains, and ships sail into the sky. This amazing world is what Rob Gonsalves has created. His vision inspires and astounds—and he wants to share that vision with you.

I love concepts that enable kids to see things from a different perspective, like the collection of riddles we gathered. Imagine a World, the forth book in the Imagine a… series, invites readers to open their mind. Based on the realistic paintings from Rob Gonsalves, the words have us thinking of other possibilities, like the lights from city buildings becoming stars to guide us or the the moving water in a waterfall is actually women dancing.

We found ourselves mesmerized by the images, like the optical illustion of the old and young woman. You can see how each aspect of the illustrations can exist and how they transition from reality into the world of imagination. A beautiful book that reminds us that things aren’t always as they seem. Don’t be restricted by circumstances and preconceived notions.

Additional Reading: Take Away the A.

You can find a copy of Image a World from Simon & Schuster Canada or your local bookstore. Visit our Kid’s Books section for other great book recommendations.

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